- 09 Dec 2024
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20.19 Building Archive
- Updated on 09 Dec 2024
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Building Archive 20.19
New features
Improved functionality for QR codes (EMM-2556)
When registering a new QR code or editing an existing one, users will have the option to see the QR code in the File column and in the top right corner of the edit popup
Register new QR Code
Edit QRCode
When editing the QR code, the existing value will appear in the edit popup. The user can input the new QR code values to update.
Regardless of the added or edited QR code values, the updated QR codes will appear highlighted in the File column.
Improvements to Structure template process (EMM-2460)
Structure template is a concept more and more customers are adapting. Building archive manager can define structure templates and decide what object types are connected to it.
The structure template can then be used to create a set of building components to a selected building. This functionality has been enhanced so that the user can now decide if product data should be created on functional system, technical system, component level or lowest level object to use in Digital delivery. He can also select if predefined standard tasks should be created for these building components or not (also is fixed an error that created tasks although the standard tasks were not set to do that). The user can also if with the necessary permission to create a new building based on the structure template
Structure templates list is also now available in Classification systems. The action <Create system from structure templates> that can be run from Structure templates is also enhanced with the option automatically create product data on the selected level and the option to create new building
Import of connections between Portfolio and Sites from clipboard (EMM-2468)
A new simple action has been added that is available from Portfolio (MainGroup) <Connect portfolios to sites from clipboard>. Connects the portfolios and sites that are in the list together
New naming rule for sites and buildings and changes to Matrikkel import (Norway) (EMM-2468)
First of all 3 new settings have been added to System settings that apply to Norwegian customers
<Exclude municipality number from real property code>
<Use real property code as site identification>
<Use property valuation building code as building identification>
These three new settings SHOULD be set for existing municipalities in Norway otherwise they experience a changed functionality after update to V20.19. This settings should only be set for customers solely using Matrikkel codes in their identification of sites and buildings
Also added is the option <Identification, municipality and name part> that can be set both for Site naming and building naming.
When that is selected then the naming for both sites and buildings when importing data from Matrikkel is
Identification + the name of the municipality (removing “kommune” from the name) + Address
The actions <Import information from Matrikkel database> and <Import from Matrikkel through clipboard>
Now you can enter Site identification (If <Use real property code as site identification> is not set) and decide if buildings, open areas, building floors and housings should be created.
Datahub integration (EMM-2157)
Integration to Datahub that imports/updates
Real properties
Building stairwells
(Building floors)
To run the integration the following action was implemented <Import from Datahub>
Improvement to address handling (EMM-2325)
Improvements to the action <Update zip codes> which can be used for Norway and Denmark to fetch and update from public source the Zip codes, Cities, Municipalities and Country states
Better possibilities to filter and group addresses
Better possibilities to filter and group zip codes
Improved lookup in address register for Norway. Now appears as shown below
Now possible to filter sites, buildings etc. on Countries, Country states, Municipalities, Zip codes
New possibility <Update region structure according to site municipalities> which updates the Region list according to the Municipalities on the addresses on all sites (plan is to also be able to to the same for city level (district)
New action that defines regions based on address information (EMM-2158)
In cases where customers want to be able to use extensively a level in the address structure hierarchy a new action <Update region structure according to site addresses> has been added. It can be run as no select action from Sites. It can also be setup as an automatic actions that runs automatically with a defined interval
In the action the user can select which level should be used for the Region list. The options are (in all cases it is dependent on that the address register is rightly registered)
Zipcode: Then Zipcode + City name is the name of the region
City: Then City name is the name of the region (Registered on zip code)
Municipality: Then Municipality name is the name of the region (Registered on city)
Country state: Then Country state name is the name of the region (Registered on municipality)
Country: Then Country name is the name of the region (Registered on municipality)
World region: Then World region name is the name of the region (Registered on country)
World continent: Then World continent name is the name of the region (Registered on country)
The action runs first through the active sites. Then for sites that have not registered address, it runs through buildings with addresses on those sites to find what Region should be attached to the site
Be able to attach multiple users and usage to sites and buildings with multi-dropdown functionality (EMM-2550)
Two new multi select dimensions have been added to sites and buildings. Usages organisations and Facility usages
It is possible to filter and group on these dimensions and see them in lists. Also added are multi select actions to attach and disconnect these two new dimensions from sites and buildings
Additions to Technical information concept (EMM-2336)
We are in the process of enhancing the Technical information concept to have a still more flexible data model for objects
Technical information types (Quantity type) has now more attributes. As this concept is now part of the system setup, Technical information types are now available in System configuration> System settings
The data model now includes a new concept MM value type. That defines what type of data should be entered for that particular technical information type.
For instance if the MM value type is Ref data, then the value input is a drop-down with possible values registered in <Technical information type categories>
The technical information types can then be attached to one or more MM form template
That means that the MM form template does not only decide fields from the standard data model is shown in form but also what technical information fields.
A new action <Import technical information type structure from clipboard> was added. It creates MM form templates and Technical information types and connects them together.
Here are examples of how the content in the technical information form changes after which MM value type is defined for the Technical information type
Date field
Dropdown field
Show technical information as part of forms and new possibility to attach MM form templates to object sub types (EMM-2526)
We have now added the possibility to show technical information as part of the registration forms for all types of objects in MainManager object structure (Sites, buildings, open areas, building components etc.). This is the followup to previous story in the release where system administrator can now defined different types of technical information fields and add them to MM form templates.
In short, administrator can define Technical information pages, Technical information group boxes and technical information types (with wide extension of MM value types) and attach the technical information types to numerous MM form templates
When a MM form template is then attached to an object type (or object sub type) these technical information fields appears on dedicated form pages (not mixed with fields from the standard data model). To control access to this and decide if it should be shown or not a new column (note default visible) has been added to the data model for all types of objects in the object tree <TIColumns>
Administrator can hide the technical information for user roles as other columns
If column has been added the technical information pages appear
NOTE: The technical information pages appear when you have created the object, i.e. is not available in add view of the form. It also only appears if a MM form template is attached to the object type (or object sub type) for the object
NOTE. Technical information is not available as columns in object lists. To see it in lists you should go to the <Technical information> menu in Building archive
It is now possible to assign MM form templates to object sub types. When registered on subject type level that overrides what is registered on object type level. This has both effect on appearance of extra fields and technical information fields
Bug fixes