Access management and System configuration 20.9
  • 03 Jun 2022
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Access management and System configuration 20.9

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Article summary

New features

Open edit mode in Access configuration (US2975)

For Administrators that are used to configure data models, it is now possible to open up edit mode window directly from access configuration for each module. 

Integration to Fotostation - registration of external links (US3120)

A new module called ExternalLink has been added under System Configuration - System Settings

When registering a new external link it is possible to select from following types:

External links are links to other systems outside of MainManager.  The link is given a name and the module that owns the link is selected under module.  The link itself is inputted under url and can contain information from the selected module.  To do that brackets {} are written in the link with the key of the data it should contain.  In runtime when the link is generated this will be replaced with the correct information using the key.  For example the link{code} will look like this when it is generated for a site with 123456 in the code field.

When a link has been registered for a specific module it will appear in the following places.

Action menu for that module:

In the property window for that module:

In the base info page for that module:

Right click in graphics:

Assign multiple process user roles to users so that they get the combined rights from these user roles (US1165)

To simplify setup of user roles we have now made it possible to assign multiple user roles to same person. 

To activate this, following system settings should be set

After that you must login to the system again and then the structure is changed so that the existing single user role that each user has is registered as sub data to each user

In Persons and user roles step in the User role administration the drag and drop process changes accordingly, each user can be connected to more than one user role

For systems where there are many user roles, the user role group has been added to the filter in Access configurations. If User role group is selected in filter than the user roles shown are filtered on that as shown below 


Handling of process user roles

In our website the standard process user roles are configured for the MM standard solution. For customers that run the standard solution these standard process roles are part of update that is done when updating the system to a new version. (NOTE standard process roles CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be adjusted in the different customer sites), when update is done these userroles are updated according to the standard.

To fetch an update of these process user roles into the system you are working in, that can be done from the User roles list

This same has been added to the MM updater that is used when systems are updated

Finally we did some changes to terms regarding standard data model versus customized data model as shown below, These does not included any functional changes, just improvement to terms

Bug fixes

Be able to register data with paste list (i43529)

Make it possible to use the action Paste list to register data in Object owner list. 

Change access management on two drag/drop trees (steps) (i43493)

Make some changes in logic so that now it is possible to give users access to drag/drop data in Main group access step and Organisation tree in Access management process. Until now the user had to be in a user role marked as Administrator

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