Configuration of Facility app
  • 27 Sep 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Configuration of Facility app

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Article summary

As an administrator, you have the opportunity to decide which fields are to be displayed in the app's workorder window and which information can be filtered on in the app.

Open the workorder window on the web and press Edit form (a).

In the data model (b), there are two phone icons that show whether the field can appear in the app.

The full-color icon (c) shows that the field can be part of the order window in the app. The other icon (d) shows that the field can be added to the filter in the app.

The gray color (e) means that the field is not displayed and the dark red color (f) means that the field is displayed.

Note that only one window setup can be created, which applies to all user roles on the app.

The sub data (g) follow the same access as on the web.

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