Building archive
  • 12 Apr 2022
  • 1 Minut at læse
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Building archive

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Artikel resumé

Global behaviour

Use regions

When this setting is turned on, the field for region (a geographical location of a site) will become default in the site registration and also it will be added to the top filtering above lists. 

Region in top filtering

 Filter main groups on regions

This setting will filter the portfolio dropdown list in top filter so it only shows portfolios that have some site in the selected region. Otherwise, all portfolios will appear and the user perhaps end up filtering so that no data (sites) match the selected combination of portfolio + region. 

Show site identification

This setting makes the site identification and name be combined and shown everywhere throughout the system alike. This means that the identification is shown in front of the name in i.e. drop down lists and tree views. 

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