Building archive 20.10
  • 02 Sep 2022
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Building archive 20.10

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Artikel resumé

New features

Edit icons on drawings (US3005)

Previously we have introduced how you can now create your own layers on interactive drawings with icons from an icon library. Now we have added the option to upload your own icon/picture to use and show on drawings. 

Administration and colors of layers (i43062)

Administration of layers for interactive drawing has been improved as well as ordering of items and color of icons so that they are in same global order as the process the belong to and also with the color of that process (V20.10).

The access is changed in the following manners

For layers like, artifact, housing, lease contracts they demand that the user has access to them in the main menu structure to the left. For detail information attributes registered on the building space it demands that the layer is part of the data model and the users userrole has read access to that column

Object information as formatted text (i40364)

A new field Object information (key LocalInfo) is introduced for Sites, Buildings, Floors, Spaces, Open areas and building components (NS, SfB, Uniclass, CCS etc.). This field is only visible in forms (not lists) and supports formatted text (V20.10)

Same choise in BIM process filtering (i43178)

Now the filters in BIM process remember the same choise of BIM project and BIM model in all steps (20.9)

Register locations through standard forms (i43822)

Now it is possible to register new buildings/floors/spaces and open areas/open area parts through standard registration form

Added levels in technical information (i43792)

Now it is possible to have 3 level tree for type of technical information registration and quantity registration and instead of previously one for technical information and 2 levels for quantity registration (default is unchanged), The new dimension is called  Quantity type head group/Technical data type head group

Technical data 

Quantity (Material)

Also a new action <Import technical information from clipboard> has been added and the existing <Import quantity from clipboard> has a new column for the new dimension Quantity type head group

Base location field in Technical information (i43597)

New possible column in Technical information, Base location which shows the Building and Open area the object with the technical information belongs to 

Bug fixes

Various fixes in icon registration on interactive drawings (i43547)

Now grouped BIM elements/models and projects appear according to selected site in top filter (i43735)

We have fixed an action that can be used to create multiple leasing objects at a time (i43715)

Fix errors in MM relationships registrations causing strange results to happen when trying to delete or inactivate Site. Also deleting and inactivation of buildings has been improved when functional systems are registered on building level (CCS, NS, SfB, Uniclass etc.) (i43802)

Fix an error in multi selection of buildings in filter for building spaces (i43746) 

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