- 12 Apr 2022
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Registrer bygningsdele
- Opdateret til 12 Apr 2022
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Register System Structure
Here it is possible to finish the system object creation from the BIM model. Prerequisite for the registration of objects from BIM elements is that the <System Preprocessing/Validation> action has to be run first (in prior step).
On the left hand side the system tree for selected location is shown (there could be no system objects registered if a new site, otherwise you see existing systems). On the right side is a tree representing the elements of the selected BIM model (which is selected in the filter). The right tree groups the elements into types (which were attached to the elements in the preprocessing) and Product data (which was attached in the Processing of System Elements sub-step). Note: Product data connection is not necessary for object registration.
There are five different levels of nodes in the right tree:
- <All elements>-node which represents all elements in the model that have been connected to a Main Type
- <Main type>-nodes which represent all elements connected to the same Main Type
- <Product Data>-nodes which represent all elements connected to the same Main Type and Product Data (or <No Product Data>-node)
- >Location>-nodes represent the location of the elements, if it does not have a location there is a <No location>-node
- <BIM Element>-node which represents the actual BIM element
It is as well possible to switch over to the <BIM viewer> in this step.
What the user does here:
Select the <Import Scenario> for the Selected Model
Before registering objects from the BIM elements, <Import Scenario> has to be selected in the filter. There are three possible scenarios, as following:
- Object created for each element: When this scenario is selected then one object is created in MainManager for each element that is dragged onto the left tree.
- Object created for each type and location: With this scenario one object is created in MainManager for all elements with the same main type and location. Note: The location of elements is obtained in the preprocessing part.
- Object created for each type: One mutual object is created for all elements with the same main type.
Register System Objects in MainManager from BIM elements
For objects to be registered (and connected to BIM elements) the user has to drag nodes from the right tree onto the left tree. It is allowed to drag all types of nodes from the right tree but only one type at the same time (e.g. three <Main Type>-nodes, the <All elements>-node or four <Product Data>-nodes).
The left tree shows what import scenario is selected and below what object the new objects will be registered, when nodes from the left tree are being dragged to it. The user can select object from the existing system tree, then the right tree filters on Main Types that are below the type of the selected object (e.g. the object selected in the left tree is of the SfB-type (32) then the right tree only shows nodes of Main Types below (32)).
When nodes are dragged from the right tree then it is possible that the Main Types they represent are below the first level in the tree hierarchy. For example, the Main Type could be (57)1.1, third level in the tree. The rule for each import session (i.e. drop to the drop zone) is that only one object is created of the same Main Type that do not have representation from the right tree. For example, if three main type nodes are dragged from the right tree of the main types (57)1, (57)2 and (57)3 then only one object of the type (57) will be created.
When objects are created then all BIM elements are connected to their respective objects and the created objects will get connection to the Product Data which is registered on the BIM elements that were used to create the object (if no Product Data then the newly created object will, of course, get no connection to Product Data).
Example 1
Selected import scenario: Object created for each type per location
Selected object to register below: Ground X
The user drops two <Main Type>-nodes of the Main Types (57)1 and (57)2. Here is a description of the elements in question:
- Five elements connected to the Main Type (57)1, connected to Product Data PD1 and located in Space 1
- Six elements connected to the Main Type (57)1, connected to Product Data PD1 and located in Space 2
- Ten elements connected to the Main Type (57)2, connected to Product Data PD2 and not located
- Three elements connected to the Main Type (57)2, not connected to Product Data and located in Space 1
Here is description of the objects that will be created in this session:
- One SfB-system object of the main type (57)
- One SfB-module object of the main type (57)1, which will be located in Space 1 and connected to the product data PD1 (all elements in point a. above will be connected to this object)
- One SfB-module object of the main type (57)1, which will be located in Space 2 and connected to the product data PD1 (all elements in point b. above will be connected to this object)
- One SfB-module object of the main type (57)2, which will not be located and connected to the product data PD2 (all elements in point c. above will be connected to this object)
- One SfB-module object of the main type (57)2, which will be located in Space 1 and not connected to any product data (all elements in point d. above will be connected to this object)
Example 2
Selected import scenario: Object created for each type
Selected object to register below: Object of the type (32)
The user drops four product data onto the left tree of the main type (21)3. Here is a description of the elements in question:
- Five elements connected to the main type (32)1, connected to product data PD1 and located in Space 1
- Six elements connected to the main type (32)1, connected to product data PD1 and located in Space 2
- Ten elements connected to the main type (32)2, connected to product data PD2 and not located
- Three elements connected to the main type (32)2, not connected to product data and located in Space 1
Here is description of the objects that will be created in this session:
- One SfB-module object of the main type (32)1 and connected to the product data PD1 (all elements in point a. and point b. above will be connected to this object)
- One SfB-module object of the main type (32)2 and connected to the product data PD2 (all elements in point c. and point d. above will be connected to this object)
Example 3
Selected import scenario: Object created for each element
Selected object to register below: Ground X
The user drops two main type nodes onto the left tree of the main types (33)1 and (33)2. Here is a description of the elements in question:
- Five elements connected to the main type (33)1, connected to product data PD1 and located in Space 1
- Six elements connected to the main type (33)1, connected to product data PD1 and located in Space 2
- Ten elements connected to the main type (33)2, connected to product data PD2 and not located
- Three elements connected to the main type (33)2, not connected to product data and located in Space 1
Here is description of the objects that will be created in this session:
- One SfB-system object of the main type (33)
- Five SfB-module objects of the main type (33)1, that will be located in Space 1 and connected to the product data PD1 (each object will be connected to one element in point a. above)
- Six SfB-module objects of the main type (33)1, that will be located in Space 2 and connected to the product data PD1 (each object will be connected to one element in point b. above)
- Ten SfB-module objects of the main type (33)2, that will not be located and connected to the product data PD2 (each object will be connected to one element in point c. above)
- Three SfB-module objects of the main type (33)2, that will be located in Space 1 and not connected to any product data (each object will be connected to one element in point d. above)
Use the <Create systems from BIM elements> action
Using the <Create systems from BIM elements> action is the same as dragging the <All elements>-node onto the left tree. This is the recommended method if the element tree is large and you want all elements to follow in the same <Import Scenario>.
You first select the whished <Import Scenario> and then open the action. Then run the action (which can be run in the “background”). When the action has finished running (and the system structure has been created) then you will get a message.
Connecting BIM Elements to Existing Objects
If the system structure (or part of it) already exists then it is possible to connect BIM elements straight to existing objects. That is achieved by using drag and drop from the right tree to the left system tree. Not all drops are allowed, the following rule has to be met:
- The main type behind the nodes dragged from the right tree have to be below (or the same) as the type of the object being dragged to.
- Example: If the main type of nodes from the right tree is (57)1.1 then it is allowed to connect the elements from that nodes to objects of the type (57)1.1 or (57)1 or (57).
- That is, you can connect BIM elements to objects of main types that are above the main type that the elements are connected to.
Disconnect BIM Elements
If BIM element is wrongly connected to MainManager object, it can be disconnected using the action <Remove BIM element location>
The user builds up the operation tree that fits his needs in this step, and when that is finished, she has the system tree that she will run her FM on in the future.
Locating Systems Based on Intersection
After the systems have been created, and the intersection of the space elements to the system elements has been calculated (see info here), it is possible to locate the systems based on that. This is done in the prior step; <Processing of System Elements>.
This action queries the <BIM Element Intersect> table for all created systems that intersect with a space element in MainManager and locates each system in one or more building space (or other MainManager location level) from this information.
- Open action <Locate systems based on BIM intersects>
- Select the BIM Project that you want to run the action on (if not already selected)
- Run the action