- 14 Sep 2023
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Release 20.14 General
- Opdateret til 14 Sep 2023
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On 15th of september 2023 we will release version 20.14 of MainManager FM.
Here we will list up the new features that this release will contain and describe the error fixes that have been done. By looking at the articles you can select from the left tree you will find information on what is new and fixed in each of the processes and one article describing general fixes.
Each process article contains two chapters. First one lists up all the new features that are available (most of them by configuration) after the release update and the second chapter is to list up all the error fixes.
If further information is needed please contact your MainManager contact, send an inquiry to info@mainmanager.com or call us at +354 412 8600.
Here you can see the release presentation that was held on 8.september 2023
There are some features in this release that we want to introduce as general changes that might be useful to many customers and/or could possibly affect users experience.
New logo and favicon (EMM-27)
In release 20.14 the logo has been changed to the EG MainManager logo both in the solutions header and in the browser tab (favicon)
Terms for incidents and checklists
We have been going through and changing translations for some of our most used terms in incident module and new checklist process. This means that for customers that have not been using special translations in their database, there will be made changes in all places where the following terms are in use. Below is an overview of what terms will be used after the update.
MM term | English | Norwegian | Danish | Icelandic |
Standard checklist | Standard checklist | Standard sjekkliste | Standard tjekliste | Staðlaður gátlisti |
Standard checkpoint | Standard checkpoint | Standard sjekkpunkt | Standard tjekpunkt | Staðlað gátatriði |
Local checklist | Checklist | Sjekkliste | Tjekliste | Gátlisti |
Local checklist point | Checklist point | Sjekkpunt | Tjekpunkt | Gátatriði |
Checkpoint group | Checkpoint group | Sjekkpunkt gruppe | Tjekpunkt gruppe | Gátatriðaflokkur |
Task checklist | Task checklist | Oppgavesjekkliste | Opgavetjekliste | Gátlisti verks |
Task checklist point | Task checklist point | Oppgavesjekkpunkt | Opgavetjekpunkt | Gátatriði verks |
Incident | Incident | Innmelding | Indmelding | Ábending |
Incident category | Incident category | Innmeldingskategori | Indmeldingskategori | Ábendingategund |
Checkword | Incident group | Innmeldingsgruppe | Indmeldingsgruppe | Ábendinga yfirflokkur |
Checkword item | Incident type | Innmeldingstype | Indmeldingstype | Ábendinga flokkur |
Checkword subitem | Incident subtype | Innmeldingsundertype | Indmeldingsundertype | Ábendinga undirflokkur |
Check item | Checklist incident | Sjekklisteinnmelding | Tjeklisteindmelding | Gátlista ábending |
More lightweight Location tree (EMM-677)
A system setting <Show location only option in top navigator> so that customer that wants to have that option can turn it on (default turned off). This option is much quicker than the location tree that also shows all located building components
Now possible to select equipment, vehicles, artifacts etc. in object selection
Now possible to select in top navigator and location part of registration forms a new scenario showing in the tree all equipment, vehicles, artifacts etc. That scenario shows location structure with the located equipment.
Activate object field through global search
A new feature has been added in global search to make the object connected to the search result to become the active object in the top navigator. Now included in global search is also vehicles for customers using vehicles
Activate object through list
A new feature has been added in list with data that is part of the object structure or is connected to an object to make the object connected to the selected line become the active object in the top navigator.
Improvement on read only layout
We have done some changes on how forms are visualized in read only mode. In 20.14 each field is shown more clearly with background color. Below we show an example of how a specific form appears in 20.14 vs 20.13.
45131 Now Created and Modified are always on the top of the Timelimit dropdown and Created is default selected when coming the first time into a module
Access handling of summaries
Now possible to set access to summaries through Administration tree. Also user role access to main summaries has been added. If a main summary has no attached user role, it is available to all user roles, but access is activated when one or more user role is attached to the summary. Then only those user roles (and administrators) see these main summaries
3256 Additions to BI connection possibilities (Power BI, Cognos etc.)
Previously customer has had the possibility to have an read access through ODBC to the customers MainManager database. The need has come up to not use that because of complications regarding opening in fire walls, changing IP numbers etc. Therefore we now introduce a new possibility to integrate against MainManager. It is as follows
Now from all data list in the system the action <Create data warehouse view> is made available for user with the right permissions. It take the selected layout and filtering and returns the SQL query
The user gives the data warehouse view an unique name and fills out other attributes and can modify the SQL query and then stores the view. When storing the system tests for errors in the query
All created data warehouse views are available in the System configuration process. Here they can be edited, tested, published (users that are not administrator cannot use unpublished views).
Administrator adds subscribers to the view and non administrators can only use views in the API that they are subscribers to (and are published)
When editing the SQL so that it is corrupt the user gets an error message when trying to store the change
To call the view inside MainManager the following action can be used (replicates the API functionality). User can select 4 different formats like in the API
Of course data warehouse view can be created manually as well but the system always validates that the query is valid, and of course no data altering queries are allowed. An automatic service can be setup that checks the views regularily and sends email if errors are spotted (and marks the data warehouse views with error end error message telling what is the problem.
The GET datawarehouseview has been added to MainManagers standard API
The user logs into the API with same username and password as in MainManager. The users enters the unique view name, and selects output format (default is JSON). If he has the necessary access to the view he gets the results, otherwise an error
In the DataTable attribute of the returned object the data is returned.
All calls to the API for the view in question is logged and can be viewed inside MainManager
45060 Information text for selected work order has been added in numerous locations in the system to have fever mouse clicks and data more visible, for instance in Electronic invoice handling and Time registration. It shows the date from-to for the work order and and the Description text.