- 12 Sep 2023
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Data setup
- Updated on 12 Sep 2023
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Under Data Setup, it is possible to create Equipment Types, Product Types and Equipment Groups.
Equipment groups are the first thing to be created. Different equipment types are defined under equipment groups.
The equipment types have the option of being assigned a product type.
Equipment groups
Equipment groups are used in connection with the creation of equipment types.
To create an equipment group, select "Equipment groups" (a) and press + (b) to create a new one.
The window for creating a new equipment group appears. Enter the name (c) and press "Save" (d).
Equipment types
Equipment types are used in connection with the creation of an equipment. Before an equipment type can be created, an equipment group must be created.
To create an equipment type, select "Equipment types" (e) and press + (f) to create a new one.
The window for creating a new equipment type appears. Select which equipment group the equipment type belongs to (g), enter a name (h), change if necessary under "Hazard level" (i) and when all the wanted fields are filled in press "Save" (j).
Product types
Product types do not need to be created in order to create an equipment.
To create a product type, select "Product types" (k) and press + (l) to create a new one.
The window for creating a new product type appears. Select which equipment type the product type belongs to (m), enter a name (n) and when all the wanted fields are filled in press "Save" (o).