Menu and navigation
  • 01 Sep 2023
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Menu and navigation

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Article summary

Menu / Process navigation

In the upper left corner of the web you will see which menu the user is located in. 

The menu button indicates that this user is looking at Helpdesk process

By pressing the Menu button all menu bars (also called processes) will be displayed on the left side. The menu is adapted to show the processes that this user's assigned user role has access to, i.e. the process selection is tailored to the needs of each user role. Here the user can choose which menu / process he wants to navigate to. If a user has been in the process before, the system remembers which step and module he had last open and places the user there again - otherwise he will land in the first step and module he has access to.

Open menu 

Steps and modules

Within each process there can be several steps that a user can choose from. 

Task management step with two modules to select from - Task management and Task year 

Most modules are shown in lists, but some of them will show tree view with drag/drop options. Apart from that there are few steps showing dashboards or configuration.  

Video documentation

A short video that describes how a user navigates between process/step/module in the system

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