MT1 Release 20.9 24.june 2022
  • 24 Jun 2022
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MT1 Release 20.9 24.june 2022

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Article summary

Here is a list of changes and fixes that will be included in Maintenance release update 20.9.1 of MainManager FM on 24th of june 2022. 

Please contact your project manager at MainManager for further details. 

Small changes and improvements

Cleaning process changes (US2971)

We have started to make some changes on cleaning process to be able to calculate performance and work with data more precisely and configure data more easily. Since the work is not completely done, we will introduce them better at a later time. 

Changes and fixes to action Connect work order to task (i43686)

Only possible to select single tasks in dropdown if special setting ShowOnlySingleTaskInDropdown is turned on. If no account/project section/project activity is on work order than that information is fetched from the task

The action demands that the selected work orders belong to same account and object on same site. Also that date to start on the work orders is on the same year. Then accepted single tasks for the same location and account for that finance year can be selected in the dropdown

Main object multiselection changes (i43585, i43642)

We made some changes and improvements to be able to support better multi selection of objects on work orders, tasks and incidents. It is now possible to add objects in edit mode and we also added bookmark BM_MainObjectSelection into the work order and incident frontpage to show all objects. 

Turn off GIS screenshots in external incident pages (i43110)

A new setting was added in external incident pages so that it is possible to turn off that a screenshot is captured from the GIS map. 

Date format in japanese (i43642)

Add the possibility to show dates in japanese language when that culture is in use

Bug fixes

Change old logic in chat email links so that the correct window for the module is opened. Also add a possibility for users that only have access to incidents to chat with a user that is writing information on the follow up work order (i43607, i43548)

Fix that Task sub category is shown in main list (i43683)

Fix issue with double qoutes in snapshot name. Fix error in Export list to Excel when trying to create pivot table  (i43682)

Fix that "Not registered" was appearing as a filter option for work order status (i43671) 

Fix that suppliers that do not have access to any sites can still see work orders that they are on (i43461)

Fix that account is preselected in new registration of other cost records on work order (i43654)

Fix issue where Task Year in Maintenance process was not showing correct data. (i43664)

Fix that action menu when right clicking on an interactive drawing was showing some actions double (i43555)

Fix that the correct object is selected when creating work order from task (i43651)

Fix issue where object fields in new registration of child data was being populated from the filter, when it should be populated from the main record (i43662)

Set unlimited size to table field "Remarks" in PersonPermit and also on "Description" field in Permit (i43612) 

Fix issues in grouping and sorting lists, adding and removing columns (i43674, i43679)

Fix error in dropdown lists so registered icons are shown (i43652)

Changed format of tables in head project template report with bookmarks  (i43482)

Fixing report issues in new layout (i43565)

Fix specific base map settings (i43546)

Changing information on area information in drawing report (i41787)

Fix that integration users cannot change settings when failing in query (43613)

Filter last measurement on standard checkpoint in new inspection version (i43625)

Fix that an alias user is viewing correct data (main groups and sites) for the selected user (i40499)

Fix error in lease contract template action (i43494)

Fix issue where documents with no defined Document Type where set by default to Picture (i43398)

Change html encoder to allow specific characters (i43345)

Fix that correct relations are shown when using delete and inactivate action (i43593)

Change how child records are populated in multiselect comboboxes -now the child data is used to construct the sql (i43643)

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