Operation and Maintenance 20.9
  • 03 Jun 2022
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Operation and Maintenance 20.9

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Article summary

New features

Comdia Tender integration (US2981)

It is now possible to connect MainManager to the Comdia tender portal.  To do that you need to input the necessary settings under Integration settings.

If Comdia is selected than two new work order statuses are added "Offer requested" and "Offer accepted".  A column will also be added to the work order list where it is possible to send a work order to the Comdia tender portal.

When a work order is sent to Comdia it is necessary to select the type of tender called form templates.

When a work order is sent to Comdia it is necessary to select the organisation responsible called user group.

Be able to register multiple work orders from same incident (US3152)

An addition has been made to be able to register multiple work orders from the same incident. To activate this possibility the following system setting must be set:

When that is set, you are allowed to create many work orders from same incident. The first work order that is created is as before marked as follow up work order for the incident and follow all standard processes in MM, The work orders that are created after this are connected to the incident and can be seen in sub data for incidents under <Connected work orders>

New action to accept or decline finish of a work order (i43360)

New multiselect action Accept finished work orders <AcceptFinishedRequests>where user can approve or decline finish of work order. Also changes to the action Cancel work order <CancelRequest> where user now has to fill in remarks if work order is cancelled. The remarks are put in the Comments field

Bug fixes

Multiple frontpages sent in email (i43426)

Fixing an error that caused some email receivers getting the same frontpage multiple times in the same email

Create maintenance incident from an incident (i43515)

Fixing that information from incident is inherited to maintenance incident when creating one. 

Inspection changes and fixes (i43533, i43524, i43534, i43536, i42924)

Some things fixed and changed in the new inspection module, mostly regarding adding some logic that was in our previous inspection module into the new one. 

Project and work order reports (i43482)

We have made a new template report for Head project and also added the option to have separate template reports for project work orders vs OM work orders. 


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