Update of Existing Models
  • 22 Dec 2020
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Update of Existing Models

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Article summary

The process when updating existing models is similar to when a new model is imported. As described above, a new version of a model is uploaded through the action <Update BIM model to new version>.  The action updates the existing BIM elements and they get one of the following statuses:


The user can filter on the statuses of the BIM elements in the <BIM elements> sub step.

If there are new elements or elements not found in reimport, then the user should go through the different substeps as before.

If it is confirmed that BIM elements actually no longer exists, the user should see if they are connected to MainManager objects. The user then decides if the MainManager objects should be removed and than decide if the BIM element should be deleted.

If new elements appear (from updated BIM Model) then it must be decided how they should be handled.

  • Should they be connected to existing MainManager objects?
  • Should new MainManager object be created from the new BIM elements?

If mapping for a model is defined so that an attribute should overwrite an existing value, then the update of a model automatically updates this attribute on the MainManager object. However, it only does that if one, and only one BIM element, is connected to the MainManager object. An example is if the area of a space is changed in the BIM model. There is a one to one relationship between the BIM element representing the space and the MainManager space. Then, the area of the MainManager space is changed and the Space is marked with change (so it should be approved in the last step in setup of sites). The manager for the building should then take actions if, for example, lease contracts change, cleaning schedules are modified, etc.

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