BF1 and BF2 Release 20.8
  • 13 Apr 2022
  • 1 Mínútur að lesa
  • Myrkur
  • Pdf

BF1 and BF2 Release 20.8

  • Myrkur
  • Pdf

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Since our scheduled release date 4.march 2022 we have had to make two bug fix releases, the first one on 7.march and the second one on 9.march. Main causes for this were big issues with performance of the system, empty work order report front pages and non functioning electronic invoices. All customers have been updated to the newest bug fix release. 

We are sorry for the disturbance caused by those errors and the release updates. 

Bug fixes included with the updates:

  • Fixed error in request template document  (i43214)
  • Fixed that all incident modes were reflecting correct check words and check word items and types could be changed (i43212 and i43220)
  • Fix that check word icons are populated correctly (i43222)
  • Fix problem with XML files (electronic invoices) not being shown (i43217)
  • Fix error in creating transactions from external invoice (i41642)
  • Fix join on project status in site module (i43203)
  • Be able to handle and import interactive drawings for sites and crane structure (i42940)
  • Fix incorrect filtering on region group (i43235)
  • Add columns/fields for paymech functionality plus projects, tasks and requests (i43243 and i41852)
  • Fix grouping issues for users that already had grouped on data that no longer was possible to group on (US3110)
  • Change so that incident categories are inherited to work order form (i43247)
  • Fix width styling of list images as they sometimes appeared very large (i43248)

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