Finance management 20.11
  • 02 Dec 2022
  • 2 Mínútur að lesa
  • Myrkur
  • Pdf

Finance management 20.11

  • Myrkur
  • Pdf

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New features

Addition to invoicing process (US3179)

A number of improvements have been added to the invoicing process to improve tracking of data flow and handling of corrections to invoicing and crediting

For invoice basis (Main invoice) there has been added a status bar column to visualise better status of invoice basis

Possible Sub data has been added to Invoice basis to see the time registration, material registration, contract payments behind the invoice. Also for customers that use multi customer per account setting the Base invoice and related invoice is shown in the form as well as sub data that shows related invoices.

A new multi select action Drop invoice basis has been added. It can be run on invoice lines that have not yet been exported. Then the invoice basis is deleted and the time registrations, material registrations and contract payments are then unlinked from the invoice basis and the marking Sent to invoicing unchecked

For contract payment lines the status bar column has been improved

Also the column Exported has been rename to Sent to invoicing (meaning that invoice basis has been created) to avoid confusion. The Invoice basis  that was generated is now also visible as possible column in form, filter and list

For time and material registration the same improvements have been done

The following has also been added to the menu structure in Finance management so that the finance people can see all relevant data regarding invoicing in one place


New action to create invoice basis (US3105)

A new action to create invoice basis from service contract payments similar to creating of invoices basis from time and material registration and from lease contract payments. It is available as no select action from service contract payment items.

The action to create invoice basis from work accounting (time and material registration) has been changed so that now the user can select specific accounts that should be created invoices for

Additionally Lease contract payment items, purchase contract payment items and service contract payment items has been added as option to menu structure in Finance management>Invoices and transactions so that the financial managers can from one place handle all billing

Change action for invoice correction (i44142)

Changed the Invoice correct Request ID to give following messages to the user if invoice does not need further correction 

  • Invoice has already been processed and sent to payment
  • Invoice has already been approved
  • Invoice has already been declined
  • Invoice is in booking process and does not need further correction
  • Invoice has already been linked to request and does not need further correction
  • Please select the work order this invoice belongs to. If you do not find it in the dropdown, please fill out your remarks and send to us

And then the action is locked. 

Otherwise this message appears and the user is asked so select right work order

Please select the work order this invoice belongs to. If you do not find it in the dropdown, please fill out your remarks and send to us

Bug fixes

Fix error in payment group so it could not be selected (i44224)

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