Operation and Maintenance 20.11
  • 02 Dec 2022
  • 3 Mínútur að lesa
  • Myrkur
  • Pdf

Operation and Maintenance 20.11

  • Myrkur
  • Pdf

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New features

Only active status and current year in project and task filters (i44006)

Now clearing of filters for projects, project years, tasks and task years set filter on active statuses and the running year + defined numbers of years from now 

Following system settings have been added

If customer does not want this new default functionality it can be turned off by marking the setting <Clear projects and task filter shows all statuses and years>. Default the active year is selected as Year from and Year to. If the customer for instance want to have default selected for instance this year and 5 years forward that is entered in the <Default number of years from now in project and task filters> 

Here default task filtering

Annual task budgets (task years) default filtering

Projects (and Budget frames) default filtering

Annual budgets for projects default filtering 

Example of default filtering for tasks when 5 years from now set in system settings

Disable work order and incident chat comments (i44110)

Now it is possible through system settings to turn on <Threads on incident and work order not connected>. When that is turned on the chat on incident does not connect to the chat on work order when incident is in progress on that work order which is the standard functionality. 

Inspection additions (US3191 and US3192)

For the new inspection setup we have been adding some features so it is possible to use them in a similar way as the older inspection module. The first thing is that you can now finish inspection in same way as current

The second thing is that you can now see the inspection items from the object view like before. So you will see how many inspection items there are for each object and how many of them are left etc. 

We have also added options to access the inspection items, like pressing on the object from drawing icons.

Minor new additions:

Now it is possible to add new columns in task planning and management module for Site cost center and Site owning condition (i43872)

Site address can now be added as a column in work order module (i43880)

New property box setting that makes it possible to have status field locked in work order window for external only (i44216)

New menu item for request planned contract items with filtering (i44211)

New user role setting that will make user only see tasks that are assigned on the organisation he is located in (i44318)

New action made in task cost sub data so that you can more easily add costs from unit price type list (i44331)

Make head project years be created in accordance to time frame on head project (i44333)

Change so that when email is changed on person, the email is also updated on employee (i43798)

Bug fixes

Some changes/fixes made on access management to work orders. This has been documented separately here (i44193)

Grouping on site was fixed in lists where Gantt was active (i43498)

Added new bookmark for work order frontpage for account key on site - BM_GroundAccountKey (i44223)

Fixes on grouping by performance status in local checklist point data (i44221)

Fix on various errors connected to problems opening "Finish request" from child data (i44328)

Fix error in grouping on product data (i44348)

Fix that a body text was added to emails even if setting for it was turned off (i44275)

Fix that emails for site were not sent out from work orders (i44387)

Fix error in task creation level that caused it not to work when using component level (i44370)

Fix error causing an empty space in multi select action menu above the list (i44378)

Fix error when creating and opening incident with screenshot from 2D or GIS map (i44374)

Fix that some incidents created from App where getting wrong date format (i44195, i44215)

Fix that records created from App were not grouping correctly on site column (i44226)

Fix error in chat comments causing that some work order comments were shown on wrong incidents (i44182)

Fix error when creating project type in head project window (44332)


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