Building Archive 20.15
  • 01 Dec 2023
  • 1 読む分
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Building Archive 20.15

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New features

Action for merging building spaces (EMM-478)

New multi select action under building spaces called "Merge building spaces"

Select one or more building spaces and run action

Select the target building space to merge the selected building spaces into.

If successful all data is copied to the target building space and the selected building spaces are inactivated.

The action only allows building spaces located in the same floor

Coordinates for mainobject structure on GIS map (EMM-1115)

A new action has been added to the right click on a GIS map.

There you can select from the main object structure to connect a coordinate to the selected object.

EMM-1202 BIM action to connect sensors

New multi-select action on <BIM element> called <Connect BIM elements to a data point>. This action will connect the selected BIM elements to selected data-point (senser/gauge):

It is also possible to open up the action from the BIM viewer by selecting one or more elements and then right click:

Bug fixes


ModuleIncident IDDescription
Systems and components45520Fixing that ManufacturerID was a locked field 
Buildings45492Fixed issue where filter was not populated correctly when showing buildings on GIS when located in the Building module.

Sites45459Database list error fixed when customers uses external links.
Building stairwell43982Fixed error in tree when using building stairwell
GIS/2D/BIM43845Fixed so that screenshot container should only appear when registering from graphical interface. Also changed that actions appearing when right click on GIS is now only those who actually make sense through selection from map single point. 
Sites45417Fix that ID was in front of name in dropdown lists etc. for a specific customer
