External pages
  • 12 Apr 2022
  • 2 読む分
  • PDF

External pages

  • PDF

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Here you can see how to set up a simple external webpage to register incidents. This is especially thought as a portal for residents to register incidents to their municipality. 

In System configuration>System settings>MM External setup you begin by registering a new record for this external page. Press the green plus button. 

 In the registration form you must fill out some things necessary for the setup of the external page:

  • Incident mode - which type of incident will be created from this page
  • User - select which user will log into the page and be the creator of the incidents
  • Default language - what language this page will be displayed in
  • Logo - that will appear on top of the page
  • Link behind logo - that can route to some other webpage
  • Color - background color of the page

After the record is saved, a link will be generated to the external page.

When the record has been saved you have to set up how the incident registration should be set up in sub data.

There you register all the steps in the incident registration process that you want to include. 

There are three options/types on steps, Location, Incident and Overview. The only step that is necessary for the external page to be functional is Incident - the actual registration it self. A short overview of the three possible steps are following:

  • Incident - Here you will have to select the category and subcategory for your incident (check word and check word item for this type), you can add document and write a description. 
  • Location - Here you can zoom in and out through a map to locate your incident, mark it on the map and/or search for an address. 
  • Overview - This is an overview of the incident you are about to create, just to verify that all information is correct. You also have the option here to register your name and email to attach to this incident. 

The information you write in the Caption field will come beside the step number on the external page and the help text will be shown below. Here you see how the information is registered and below that you see an example of how it appears on the external page.  

When you have finished setting up all the steps (you have to register them in the correct order as you want them to appear on the external page) you can test out your page by copying the link from the Url field and opening it in a browser. Remember that it is necessary for the type of incident you use to have some categories (check word and check word item) to select from. Then everything should be ready to register an incident and publishing the link to this external page. 
