- 12 Apr 2022
- 1 読む分
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Purpose and description
- 更新日 12 Apr 2022
- 1 読む分
- 印刷する
- 闇光
Gains from using the Space management process
Studies have shown that one of the biggest savings that owners of building stock can achieve is to manage the use of land and the utilization of them in a sensible way. Square meter prices vary but e.g. in Scandinavia, they may well be in the order of DKK 1,000 / m2 to DKK 4,000 / m2 per year.
By actively improving the registration and categorization of areas, utilization can be improved. If an owner / manager of building portfolios with e.g. 300,000 m2 actively does so and achieves better utilization in that way by 5% - he would thus save from 15 to 60 million annually.
Therefore, Space Management is considered as one of the most important focus points within Facility Management. The savings can be made on many levels. By giving organisations responsibility for areas and making internal contracts on the use, this becomes a cost item, which one takes into account and responsibility for in its deliberations and reduces the consumption of the individual departments.
Interactive drawings
MainManager provides the ability to display information in 2D (interactive drawings). These drawings are generated with imports from Autocad or IFC. MainManager can read in information from these files such as name and type which is registered as data for each building space. It is also possible to calculate area data from these files. Once the drawings have been generated, it is possible to call them anywhere in the system by pressing the 2D icon above the list / tree view and display various data that are connected to the building spaces.
Interaktiv etageplantegning hvor farver viser rum anvendelse