Lease applications
  • 22 Dec 2020
  • 1 読む分
  • PDF

Lease applications

  • PDF

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Lease applications and applicants

Here you can create a housing application, see an overview of their status and processing. It is also possible to register applicants and their relatives.

A list of lease applications with status etc.

To create a new application (and the applicant has not been registered yet), you press the green pencil/paper icon (action) above the list, select Create new and fill out all relevant information.

A registration for a new lease application with a new applicant

After adding the record you get up a window where you can add more information to the application such as status, related persons and more.

Lease application window where it is possible to add detailed info on application (1) or register related family members (2)

Related family members can be created with the green action button above the list (3)


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