List view
  • 22 Dec 2020
  • 3 読む分
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List view

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General info on list views

The list view is the most central area in the system. Filters and actions operate from and on the data in the list. Actions that are accessable above the list or for individual lines in the list can be access controlled for each user role. 

Example of a list view - Incident module

The columns in the list are in the context of data that the user can see in the window (property box) and filters for the module.

Area above the list

At the left above the list there is a plus button if the user has full access to the module. Next to the plus button there is a blue button that shows the actions that is possible to activate for the module in general. Example of such actions are import actions, reports, etc.

Green plus button and an open action menu (blue button)

In the middle above the list area, the user can see how many lines appear in the list view and he can switch between pages. It also shows how many lines there are totally in the list based on the active filter selection. The user can change how many lines appear on each page, whether they are 10, 25, 50 or 100. Having many lines (100) on each page can affect the response time in the system.

Example from a list showing 50 lines per page

To the right above the list, some modules allow you to change the list view to another aspect, that might be etc calendar or gantt view. In a PPM planning (task) list it  is of high value to see a time schedule in gantt view.

List, calender and gantt

The button far to the right can be pressed to display charts or statistics in dashboards (if available). Dashboards can be set up for each module and users can select one at a time to display above the list view. 

Dashboard for incident statistics above the list

To turn off the dashboard display, press the "x" beside the button. 

Action menu in the list

For each line in the list, a button is shown at the far left to open. It depends on the user's rights to the module whether he can edit data or read only.
Edit/full access

Read access

By pressing the green icon the window (property box) opens for the selected record. 

The gray scale button can be pressed to see the actions that can be run for each record. The actions are dependent on the user's (role) rights in the module.

Edit list setup 

Each user can change the order of the columns within the list for each module. He can do that by dragging the column heading and locate it elsewhere. The changed order will be retained even if the user logs out / in. 

Drag the column to reorder the list view

Each user can also remove columns from their list view in the module if he doesn't need it. A right-click on the column heading will show an overview of the columns that user can have within his list and there he can adjust the list to his need and press Apply changes. The columns can be reset in the same way. 

List setup where the columns and their order can be adjusted

Scrolling through lists

It is possible to scroll to the right if there are many columns in the list. This can be done with the scrollbar at the bottom of the list or by pressing the mouse button within the list and dragging it to the right / left. The action menu stands still even though the user scrolls to the right. The top line of the list (column headers) also stands still if the user scrolls down. 


Data in the list can be ordered (ascending/descending) from most of the columns it contains. To the right of each column heading there are two arrows that can be pressed to sort and change the ordering of the list.

Incident list ordered by fault category


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