MT2 20.15.2
  • 28 Jan 2024
  • 2 読む分
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MT2 20.15.2

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Here will be list of changes and fixes that will be included in Maintenance release update 20.15.2 of MainManager FM on 26th of January 2024. 

Notice that this maintenance update was originally planned on 19th of January but has been delayed to 26th of January.

Small additions and changes

Changed handling of Date end for lease contract (EMM-1572 45702)

Some customers using lease contract do not want the standard lease contract functionality that Date end on contract is ignored when calculating payment items. The standard functionality is that Date ended is used as end point for calculations of payment items. The reason for this is that very often the end date is more used as reminder that the contract should be prolonged before this date has come (bulk of contract run longer then the expected Date end).


However in that scenario we have added a new standard column to make the users aware of this <After contract end>. It flags with red color if payment item is with a later date (date booked) then Date end on the contract 

For customers that do not want this interpretation of the Date end field the following system setting has been added <No payment items after lease contract date end>

If that is turned on the calculation of payment items uses the Date end on the lease contract as end point for the payment items if Date ended is not registered

Bug fixes



Incident ID


Building archive

Building space


Change so that space usage shows now both identification and name in list column.

Building archive

Site/Building/Real property


Fix import from Matrikkel

Document management

Object document


Issues have been fixed in regards to mismatch of what the sub data count and the actual list shows.

Also have added new subdata "RequestMainManDocNoAccess" to work orders where it is possible to see object documents by bypassing access check on object.

Lease process

Lease contracts


Fixed issue with Visma integration for customer

Lease process

Lease holders


Filtering of object fixed both in Company and Employee so it shows correct number of leasers within i.e. a building


Snapshot for organisation


Make module FM user friendly so it is better adjustable

Finance management



Fix import of transactions from KMD

Operation and maintenance



Change action that creates task from standard task so that it will not add account on task if setting “Not calculate account" is active

Operation and maintenance

Task/Work order/Incident


When you have field for multiple object selection in your window, you can now also choose from property items and vehicles on site.

Operation and maintenance

Task/Work order/Incident


Fixed so that property items are now selected as object when creating a work order through sub data on the object

Operation and maintenance

Work order

45421 / 45553 / 45595 / 45600

Make changes on “Save” button logic to prevent double click on button and creation of double/multiple records

Operation and maintenance

Task year


Added new column for “Location” into data module set for Task year

MM Facility App

Work order


Disable zoom to text inputs in iOS devices. Changed tooltip functionality to use default browser tooltips. -Issue with placeholder document and "Access missing" message was connected to access to ChecklistPoint document. Add support on error messages for dropzone in web.
