Other actions for tasks
  • 22 Dec 2020
  • 1 読む分
  • PDF

Other actions for tasks

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Other actions

From the list of tasks you can access a number of different actions from the action menu. See examples of the screenshots below, which select one or more tasks, respectively. 

The available actions may vary depending on the user role and can be set by the administrator. 

Action for a single record/task

  1. Press the action button in front of the selected task
  2. Select the action you want to run on the selected task

Select an action to run for a specific task from the list

Action run for multiple lines/tasks

  1. Select multiple tasks from the list by ticking in front of them
  2. Press the multi selection action button above the list
  3. Select the action you want to run on the selected tasks

Some actions can be run for many task at a time
