Release 20.15 General
  • 28 Nov 2023
  • 4 読む分
  • PDF

Release 20.15 General

  • PDF

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On 1st of december 2023 we will release version 20.15 of MainManager FM. 

Here we will list up the new features that this release will contain and describe the error fixes that have been done. By looking at the articles you can select from the left tree you will find information on what is new and fixed in each of the processes and one article describing general fixes. 

Each process article contains two chapters. First one lists up all the new features that are available (most of them by configuration) after the release update and the second chapter is to list up all the error fixes. At this point release notes are in process so final version will be ready on release date. 

If further information is needed please contact your MainManager contact, send an inquiry to or call us at +354 412 8600.

A presentation was held on 24.november 2023 for this release. 

New features

Dark mode (EMM-62)

Now it is possible to set MainManager to dark mode.

The default comes from the setup on your device. F.x. if you have dark mode as the preferred appearance on your device then MainManager will appear in dark mode by default.

We have also added a dark mode setting under layout settings in your profileThis setting can be used to override the default.

Accessibility improvements built on WCAG 2.0 report (EMM-1207/EMM-1112) 

Various changes have been made to increase the accessibility of the system. We would appreciate feedback, for example if visible focus is missing or not visible enough, if some elements can't be focused on or interacted with using the keyboard, if some parts of the system are hard to navigate through using a screen reader or if text is unreadable because of insufficient contrast between the text and the background.

Keyboard navigation

The system has been made more accessible with keyboard navigation. Elements which could only be interacted with through a mouse click have been made accessible with a keyboard. Visible focus has been added to make it more obvious which element is focused on. The order in which the focus moves through the page has been made more logical.

Navigation keys:

  • Tab                                       - Focus on the next element on the page
  • Shift +Tab                            - Focus on the previous element on the page
  • Enter/Space                         - "Click" on the focused element
  • Up/down arrow keys           - Focus on next/previous element in dropdowns and navigation menus
  • Escape                                 - Close dropdown menu

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Alt+m                                    - Toggle navigation menu
  • Alt+n                                     - Open new record window
  • Alt+f                                      - Toggle filter
  • Alt+a                                     - Open list action menu
  • Alt+s                                      - Save open record/run open action
  • Alt+x                                      - Close open window

Visible focus examples:

A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generatedThe navigation menu is open and Building archive has been focused on using the keyboard


The user is viewing Building spaces under Locations overview, but the Building systems tab has been focused on using the keyboard


Focus is on action button


Focus is on drop down menu


Screen reader accessibility

Various changes have been made to increase accessibility for screen reader users. They do not change the functionality of the system but make it easier to navigate for screen readers.

  • Aria labels and roles have been added to various elements in the system to make it more accessible to screen reader users.
  • Definitions of elements have been changed in various places to make them more accessible, for example many clickable <div> elements have been replaced with <button> elements.
  • Alt text has been added to images
  • The language of the system is now available to screen readers in the HTML <head>
  • The page title in the HTML <head> now has information about where in the system the user is located (this change can be seen in the browser tab)
  • Labels have been added to links and inputs where they were found to be missing

Other accessibility improvements

Many smaller changes have been made to improve accessibility. For example:

  • Error messages in forms have been updated to include more specific information
  • Colours have been slightly altered in some places to increase contrast between text and background
  • Zooming in on the page has been enabled

File upload restrictions (EMM-1285)

Whitelist of allowed filetypes in all uploads has been added to the system.  The following is the list of allowed filetype extensions and mime types.


When a file is uploaded now the file upload window will by default only show the allowed files.

A screenshot of a computer 
Description automatically generated

There is a setting in system settings that allows to add file type extensions to the whitelist of file types.   It is only visible for programmers.
