MT2 Release 20. Januar 2023
  • 20 Jan 2023
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MT2 Release 20. Januar 2023

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Article summary

Here is a list of changes and fixes that will be included in Maintenance release update 20.11.2 of MainManager FM on 20th of januar 2023. 

Please contact your project manager at MainManager for further details. 

Small changes and improvements

View Gantt for a specific month in Task planning and Task management (i44102)

Now it is possible to have a month field in filter to be able to see Gantt view for a certain month in the task modules. The month selection is only available if the year from and to are the same. 

Changes on cleaning calculations on building spaces (i44446) 

Added a new factor to cleaning performance calculations called area factor.  Area factor is calculated if building space cleaning are is bigger or smaller than the cleaning models standard reference size. (CleaningArea - CleaningModelStandardReferenceSize) * (100 / CleaningModelStandardReferenceSize)

Then the performance for this specific building space is recalculated so that it will be = (Base performance * Area factor/100) + Base performance

This calculation will only affect if the cleaning model has this standard reference size registered. 

Also there has been added a new field within cleaning model called "Update building spaces"

If that field is checked then all connected building spaces will be updated with new performance calculations

Improvements to process for import of product data from BygstDv (US2664)

Following has been changed in the import from BygstDv action:

Standard tasks now get the Name from the Excel sheet with the product data name in paranthese after the name "Task x (Product data y)"

Standard tasks are connected to the object type tree according to the DBK code on the product data (using the DBK table mapping). NOTE the actual Object type has to be defined in the mapping.

The following 2 new actions have been added to the BIM process. 

Connect BIM elements to location from clipboard. Here the user has the possibility to connect BIM elements to a building space through clipboard import. It finds the BIM model based on the BIM model name. Then it lookups the BIM element with Element GUID in that BIM model. If it finds the element it searches for the building space in the building the model belongs to. If it finds one matching building space (room number lookup) it connects the BIM element to that location. For BIM elements of the type IfcSpace the Object attribute is updated for the BIM element. For other types of elements the Location attributes is updated for the BIM element.

Connect BIM elements to object from clipboard is a similar action. Here the user has the possibility to connect BIM elements to an object through clipboard import. It finds the BIM model based on the BIM model name. Then it lookups the BIM element with Element GUID in that BIM model. If it finds the element it searches in cases of BIM elements of the type ifcSpace for the building space in the building the model belongs to. If it finds one matching building space (room number lookup) it connects the BIM element to that location. For BIM elements of other types than IfcSpace it searches for building components in the building with the same Identification and if found the Object attribute is updated for the BIM element.

To give better overview, if an object type is linked to an Import scenario it is now shown in the right tree in the Register system structure step


MM Helpdesk App changes (i44561)

Now the app can show the building icons even if the building does not have an interactive floor plan. Then the following must be set in System configuration 

Another change is if the user does not select any location then the incident defaults on the first site that user has access to, not the first site in the database. 

Other small additions and changes

ProcessModuleIncident IDDescription
Access ManagementEmployee44484A change has been made so that the email field is now locked on all employee records. If you need to change email, you will have to do it on person, and it will automatically be updated on all employees connected to that person. 
Asset ManagementArtifacts44569Add new fields in the finance part of artifact registration 
Cleaning managementIncidents44025New action added to be able to register penalty on cleaning incidents. If a penalty is registered, a column will show a status and color of the penalty. Also it will be possible to overwrite the penalty.  
HelpdeskIncidents44564Now it is possible to mark on check word item if a check word sub item should be demanded if registered. This was logic from v11  that has now been implemented in FM.
Operation and MaintenanceInspections44427Local checklist point added as a menu item into the process 
Operation and MaintenanceInspections44488New action "Undo local checklist points" to be able to reset status of checklist points that have been inspected
Operation and MaintenanceInspections44421Improved the filtering functionality for the actions AddObjectToTaskChecklistPoints and AddObjectToRequestLocalChecklistPoints
Operation and MaintenanceWork orders44586, 44466Some new bookmarks added to work orders, BM_Resident, BM_ResidentPhone and BM_ResidentEmail, BM_CostDepartmentName, BM_CostDepartmentAddress, BM_CostDepartmentZipCode, BM_CostDepartmentCity

Bug fixes


ProcessModuleIncident IDDescription
Access ManagementPerson44436In history logging there will now appear a text "User deleted" if the person that made some changes has been deleted from the database.
Building ArchiveDocuments44453Fixes and changes on import of zip folder with building documents. Filenames should be on the format "2004_54 Text string" where "54" (or whatever number comes after the _) is the document subtype number. If the name is not in this format and document subtype is not found then the document will get the default document type in the system and no subtype. Document basetype and document subtype are used to find document type. 
General GIS44382Error solved for user selection of external layers on GIS map
General 2D Drawings44562The floor selection view that suddenly appeared in all 2D drawings has been removed again
GeneralGraphs44620Fix X-axis when period is selected for OpportunityChart, IncidentChart, UserStoryChart, BuildingSpaceChart, ServiceContractPaymentItemChart, TransactionsChart and ProductDataChart so that months are ordered correctly.
HelpdeskIncidents44363Fixed unique string error when notification items opened and user needed to change the record. 
HelpdeskIncidents44520File duplication issue when adding documents to dropzone from document sublist has been fixed
HelpdeskIncidents44492Add "sent by" information in mails that are sent out from notification rules on incidents. That logic had been removed in prior release. 
Operation and MaintenanceTask instances44475Problem in logic connected to task instance behaviour was fixed and requests where corrected
Operation and MaintenanceTask instances44474Fixed problem in "Create work orders" action when task instance record had been saved -Then the task instance would never result in a new work order
Operation and MaintenanceInspections44217Fixed how number of points to be inspected are calculated -The number should now always be the same as when object button is clicked and points are shown
Operation and MaintenanceWork orders44291Change so that account is not registered on internal work orders when setting is turned on.

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