- 09 Dec 2024
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20.19 Property Management
- Oppdatert 09 Dec 2024
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Property Management 20.19
New features
New features and possibilities in lease module (EMM-2325)
In this release we introduce some interesting new features including an option to have up to 3 level structure for lease contracts/contract payments:
Head lease contract
Lease contract (standard level)
Sub lease contract
Each level can have their own administration setup and data model
New action to create sub contract from parent contract
This action fetches information from the parent contract into the action, user can enter percentage number that if entered copies parent contract payments multiplied with this percentage and puts it on the sub contract. The parent contract is linked to the sub contract.
Lease contract utilization
Now it is possible to gather information about areal usage and employee usage numbers for lease contracts to use for seeing how well buildings are utilized and report on that. A process to send messages to leasers to deliver this data has been added
On a lease contract you can now attach a lease contract utilization scenario
This scenario can be attached to any number of lease contracts (and filter and group in this new dimension)
An automatic action <Generate lease contract utilization messages> can be setup that automatically that creates lease contract utilization lines and sends out messages to the leaser contacts to deliver utilization numbers (for unfinished contracts that have such a scenario connected to it)
Same can also be done by selecting one or more lease contract and use the action <Send lease contract utilization messages>. It creates line for each contract and sends email for deliver this information to the registered lease contact
The leaser contact gets an email with a link to the action <Register lease contract utilization>
There he can fill out the numbers and send them back to the system
In a new menu item <Lease contract utilizations> it is then possible see status of delivery of these numbers and then use the results for annual reporting and also for example to have as input into discussions of <Cost distribution agreements> between customer on same site
Cost distribution agreements
Now possible to register cost distribution agreements for lease contracts. The cost distribution agreement includes what percentage each sub contract should pay in common costs
In the cost distribution agreement you see a summary for the payment groups and how they are divided on sub contracts
To implement changes that have been registered on a cost distribution agreement, you run the following action. Then new payments and payment items are created from the date you selected on the agreement and old is set to an end date.
Moving in/out inspections on purchase contracts (EMM-2176)
It is now possible to create “Moving in/out” inspections on purchase contracts (previously it was only possible on lease contracts).
Moving in/out inspections will be created for ALL housing objects on the purchase contract (if more than one).
Bug fixes