Portfolio management
  • 22 Dec 2020
  • 1 Minutt å lese
  • Mørk
  • Pdf

Portfolio management

  • Mørk
  • Pdf

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General information

Here it is possible to create new sites and portfolios, as well as view and manage which portfolio the individual site is associated with. Each site can be linked to as many portfolios as needed.

Above the tree area, a drop down list is displayed to filter on a specific portfolio, otherwise all sites are displayed.

There are two options for linking a site to a portfolio:

  • Drag/drop a site to a portfolio (from left to right)
  • Drag/drop a portfolio to a site (from right to left)

Left side

Sites are displayed on the left side. If a site is associated with one or more portfolios, the name is shown in bold and a subsequent bracket shows the number of portfolios the site is linked to. Expand the tree to see which portfolios the site is in.

Right side

The portfolios are displayed on the right. If one or more sites are associated with the portfolio, the name is shown in bold and a subsequent bracket shows the number of sites the portfolio contains. Cross up to see which sites are linked to the portfolio.

To create a portfolio, press the plus icon (above on the right side). Then a new registration window for a portfolio appears. Name is filled in and some other detailed info if desired.

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