Import building documents
  • 23 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minutt å lese
  • Mørk
  • Pdf

Import building documents

  • Mørk
  • Pdf

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Import of documents on building component structure (US2942)

We have now made some new actions to make it easier to import mass of documents into the system and attach them to the building component structure. The new actions are configurable under the building module. 

Create building file structure

This action can be run to create a file structure for the building components on a specific building that you need to import documents on. The action creates a zip file folder structure according to the building component structure and after that you can place your files into those folder to import.  When you run the action, you also get an option to export all the documents that are already attached to the building components. The zip folder will be placed in "Downloads" folder on your computer.  

Import building documents

When you have a document folder containing mass of documents you want to import and attach to your building and its components, then you can use this action. When running the action you get a drop zone field where you put your zip file and execute. The documents are imported and attached to each level like build up in the structure. 


An example of documents within the zipped file structure that we want to import


The result can best be viewed in the O+M Documents step where you can see the building component structure and all documents attached to each level of the structure.

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