- 22 Dec 2020
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- Oppdatert 22 Dec 2020
- 1 Minutt å lese
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- MørkLys
- Pdf
When a customer starts to use Mainmanager it is decided which classification standard he uses for his sites (in some cases customer with large portfolio uses two or more standards).
The chosen classification standard is then uploaded in the customers database.
In this Master setup step, the customer selects from the classification standard his own classification hierarchy. Some standards includes hierarchy, but others the user have to decide how this
hierarchy should be build . This is important work in all future handling of O&M and Mainmanager professionals can support the users here, as they have extensive experience in
building up those structures. An example of this hierarchy is for instance to keep track of a particular ventilation system with all its subsystems and components throughout the building.
The hierarchy makes it possible to create tasks and work orders on different levels, accumulate cost on different levels and compare and benchmark between systems.
Below is a hierarchy on the left side from the basic CCS standard on the right hand site.