Operation and Maintenance 20.15
  • 01 Dec 2023
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Operation and Maintenance 20.15

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New features

Improve Gantt colors (EMM-1182)

For work orders that have been started, we now show colors in gantt that match the color of the work order status. Before it was a predefined color that did not necessarily match the status of the work order. 

Improvements on inspection report (EMM-393)

We have improved layout of the checklist result report and added the option to select either portrait and landscape version. 

The report now shows a frontpage overview with statistics.

After that you get a result of the inspected items with pictures that have been added on incidents registered. 

Bug fixes


ModuleIncident IDDescription
Incidents (with question schema)45542Added bookmarks to incident report to show question scheme answers
Incidents (with question schema)45540Local checklist added to incident action summary
Incidents 45526Fix that it is possible to filter on check word/check word items even if they are connected to question schema
Incident (portal)45531Fix that SLA/KPI demand check word items appear correctly in incident portal
Local Checklist45528Access management added to local checklists in a way that those who only have Read access can not fill out checklist. Read mode added on checklist fillout view
Work orders45507Change between intern/external on work orders problem fixed
Work orders45502Assigned cost on work order was shown on wrong task year
Checklist45495Improvements to checklist process  Now it is possible to set for all types of objects following sub data: Connected to tasks, Task checklists connected, Connected to work orders, Checklists connected. That lists up all tasks/work orders where the object is one of the items in the checklists belonging to the tasks/work orders   We have added the possibility (now for Japan) to see in work order action pane the checklists on the work order. The user sees if it is finished and how many points have been done. When clicking on the in the <Open grouped checklist> he gets up the checklist interface
Work orders45493Fix error in a specific report for work order costs
Checklist45481The error that was causing the actions SendLocalChecklistReportFromTemplate and SendLocalChecklistReportsFromTemplate to send out empty emails has been fixed.
Checklist45467Removing html tags from text that causes issues and crash on Gembox PDF generator
Work orders45461Added setting in system settings -> OM -> Workorder Settings so that you can choose if "Finish work order" demands remarks to be filled out.
Checklists45451Moved loading of inspection.js script from MMInspection.ascx to BundleConfig. Done to prevent caching issues.
Work orders45441Fix that sum for column appears in correct place in report
Checkpoint answers
45400New value translator in list can be added that shows result for check point
Incident (portal)45059Fix that a demanded field was not appearing correctly in portal
Work orders45543Memory exception when creating pdf memory stream - fixed by creating files in specific places in process
Tasks45471Fix the multiplication factor in the 2 actions aCopyTaskYearsBetweenYearsForTaskClassification and aCopyTaskInstancesBetweenYears. Also put copy icons on all copy actions
Incidents44879Fixed memory exception error on reports with pictures
Work orders45539Issue with phase overdue immediately fixed
Checklist 45509Fix that email from checklist schema was sent out without attachment
Incident45498Fix filtering in RefDataFM for Incident - Responsible and Finished fields

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