- 23 Feb 2023
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Property management 20.12
- Oppdatert 23 Feb 2023
- 6 Minutter å lese
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Migration of Lydia lease contracts (US3054)
To be able to migrate data from Lydia we have made some additions. A number of fields and tables where added to the MainManager data model for Lease contracts and associated table.
For Lease contracts the Lease contract status has been changed so that customer can create own lease contract statuses, remove from standard setup etc.
The Contract status category is an important field in the process.
- Draft: For contracts not signed and started this should be used. Contracts with this status DO NOT generate payment plan
- Active: Contract is active
- Terminated: Contract is still active but has been terminated (because cause stated more detailed in the name of the status). That is some process has to take place regarding finalizing of the contract and to start to find new customer instead
- Finished: The contract is totally finished (history) and customer has moved out
The Contract status category is available in filtering and grouping of Lease contracts
Similar to task, work orders and incidents now when filter is cleared for lease contracts, lease contract payments and lease contract payment items then all status except those belonging to Contract status category: Finished are selected (i.e. finished contracts are filtered from). This feature can be turned off by marking <Clear lease contract filter shows all statuses> in the System settings
Filtering/grouping on Contract status and Contract status category is now available for Lease contract payments and Lease contract payment items
For Lease contract payment following fields have been added
- Payment calculation scenario (dropdown, described later). Part of default data model
- Tax group (Dropdown)
- Contract payment number (Nr)
- Draft: NOTE Payments marked as Draft do not generate payment plan. Is part of default data model
- VAT (Percentage tax)
- Percentage of unitprice indexed: Used for partly indexing
- Revenue dependent (checkbox) and Revenue dependent scenario (dropdown)
- Price regulation type (dropdown)
- Space category
- Work order (reference to work order)
Additionally a new locked column has been added Price with VAT which is calculated As Price*(1+VAT)
For Lease contract payment item following fields have been added
- Payment calculation scenario (dropdown, described later). Part of default data model
- Tax group (Dropdown)
- VAT (Percentage tax)
- Percentage of unitprice indexed: Used for partly indexing
- Space category
- Reference to Customer revenue registration (Explained later in Revenue based lease)
- Extra payment item (Boolean) (Explained later in Revenue based lease)
- Work order (reference to work order)
Additionally a new locked column has been added Price with VAT which is calculated As Price*(1+VAT)
Percentage of payment to be indexed (US3207)
In some cases there is a need to define a percent of index for the regulation of a payment. In the Lease contract payment window it is now possible to add a field where you can define a percent of the chosen index. Ex. "80%" of the consumer price index. The system should automatically calculate this.
The formula for calculation of new unitprice then becomes, where p is Percentage of unitprice indexed
New unitprice= Original unitprice * (1 - p) + Original unitprice * p * Index new/Index original
Index based on twelve months average for payments (US3180)
A change has been done from previous handling of implementing price index regulations using twelve months average. Now instead of having this either on or off for all lease contracts it is now defined on Lease contract payment
Here we introduce the new functionality <Payment calculation scenario>
More scenarios will be added in the future but now the options are following:
Non regulated payments: When that is selected the registration form becomes simplified
Price index regulated payments: The standard approach
Price index regulated payments 12 months average: Price index calculations then are based on twelve months average (that is average of the index of the last 12 months from the selected date). NOTE this applies also to calculation of Original index.
Product regulated payments: Then regulation is done on the product unit prices and can then be mirrored to the lease contract payments through action (see user story 3054 here below)
Based on assigned building spaces: This is not fully implemented in this sprint but this concept takes active assignment of building spaces to a customer (typically internal organisation), calculates the square meters and square meter price (based on price list fyrir space usage) and uses that information to generate payment item
3054 New action to update lease contract payment based on unitprice type (Product) unitprice. Introduction of new standard field Payment calculation scenario
Regulate fields have been added to product registration with same functionality as for lease payments. User can define Regulate interval, Regulate method (automatic, manual, none) and Date last regulate/Date next regulate
A new action for updating prices levels for products was added (both multiselect and no select). The no select action can be setup as an automatic action. The similar action for lease contract payments accordingly so if <Update all records> is not checked then the action only updates products (and accordingly lease contracts payments) that are marked with automatic regulating. NOTE for these automatic actions to work as intended it is very important that the newest price index updates has already been registered in the system (or imported from official price index sources) otherwise the price index calculations are not right
Revenue based lease contracts (US3211)
Following has been added to the system regarding Revenue based lease contract, Revenue dependent scenarios that are connect to lease contract payments and Lease contract customer revenues which is handling sending out and store results of reportes lease contract customers revenues
Revenue dependent scenario is used to register the details regarding calculation and handling of revenue dependent lease contract payments (NOTE Customer revenue registrations and handling of revenue dependency is now on Lease contract payment level NOT lease contract level)
Same revenue dependent scenario can refer to more that on lease contract payment. Here is registered
Calculation method (Stepwise, Stepwise accumulated, Linear regression). That defines how the lease is calculated based on the registered revenues.
- Stepwise finds the lease percentage p from the serie and calculates the lease as the entered L = Revenue * p. That means that if for instance that up to revenues of say 0-500 the percentage is 10% and from 501-2000 it is 15% then if the customer has 499 as revenues he pays L = 499 * 10% but if the revenues are 501 the lease is L=501 * 15%
- Stepwise accumulated fills each step with the percentage in that step (similar to salary tax calculations). So that in the same scenario as above it calculates lease as L = 500 * 10% + (501-500) * 15%
- Linear regression finds the percentage p through linear regression calculation of the curve and the lease is then L = Revenue * p
Max lease is the maximum lease that the customer could pay and the Min lease is the minimum lease. NOTE: That means that the lease contract payment does not have to be based on minimum lease, but other estimates can be used. The customer can then in the end of the period either get a credit OR debit settlement.
The Interval defines for how long period a customer should deliver revenue figures. NOTE Contract payment interval and Interval must be in sync regarding periods (system complains if not fulfilled). For instance if payment plan is quarterly (3 months) then this interval can be 3, 6, 12 months
If payment interval is 4 months then this interval can be 4, 8, 12. Interval customer revenues can never be lower than payment plan interval.
Here is also defined if the system sends customer revenue emails automatically. Then a Standard Email has to be selected which defines the content of the email. In the standard email the tag RegisterContractCustomerRevenue should be included in the email text because that is replaced with a link for the customer to register his revenues. Deadline number of days defines how many days the customer gets to send in the result from the day he gets the email
To test the calculations you can enter <Test revenues> click save and continue and the result appears in form <Test result>
To have revenue based payments you select <Revenue dependent> and the right scenario. As mentioned before the payment interval and Interval customer revenue must be in sync
The lease contract payment can have all the standard functionality regarding the payment plan (index regulering etc.). The revenue dependency leads to a debit or credit settlement at the end of the payment period