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Work order access
- Oppdatert 18 Nov 2022
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Access management to which work orders each user can see in his list is specific and unlike access to other data in the system. That is done because work orders can have sensitive financial information that should only be accessible to the correct users.
The two main things that control this access are
- Organisation access to sites
- User role settings
Organisation access to sites is managed in Portfolio access and Site access steps in Access management process. An organisation can have access to a main group or a specific site.
On the user role there are three settings that will affect which work orders will appear in the users list. First we start by explaining how the functionality is for a user in a role with none of these settings marked. Then we explain what changes when marking each one of the others, but notice that it might have the best result to combine them with some other settings to get the desired result for the user.
1. User is a receiver on a work order but has no access to sites and no specific settings on user role
Result: You will see all work orders in the list where you are Employee To on. No option is for you to filter on site since there is no access to any sites.
None of the user role settings will have any saying unless the user has some organisation access to sites. So in all below cases the user has access to at least one site. Giving the user access to a site does not restrict the access to the other work orders i.e. if they are on another site. It only gives the additional value to filter on specific sites.
2. User role is marked with “Sees main group requests”
When this setting has been turned on (only) for the users role, he will see all work orders that are registered on the sites he has access to plus the ones that he is receiver on but are registered on other sites. This will usually make the work order set a lot larger.
2. User role is marked with “CanIssueRequestAsAnother” (Helpdesk)
When this setting has been turned on (only) for your user role, you will see all work orders on sites you have access to but no others. So when this setting has been activated on a user role, then it is important that you are not put as a receiver on a work order on some site that you don't have access to.
Notice that this setting is specially intended for users working on helpdesk so they can create work orders and route them to the correct people wherever they are located in the organisation. So this setting also causes changes on functionality elsewhere in the system.
3. User role is marked with "SeeWorkordersOnMyOrganisationAndBelow"
This setting is typically used in combination with the ones mentioned here earlier. It can be used to limit the access so you will see the work orders that are sent to any employee within your organisation - not only yourself. But that will only happen if the user role is also marked with the helpdesk setting and if you want to be sure that you see all those work orders where ever they are located, you should make sure that it also has access to see all those sites. This example is set up with a combination of two other user role settings since it does not give any value as a stand alone.
All these three settings above will in one way or another affect which work orders the user sees in the list. Apart from those three mentioned here there is also the "Administrator" setting that will give the user the rights to see all work orders and have access to all sites. That setting should though only be used for actual administrators of the system because it gives the users many other rights like configuring module setup etc. A better way to give a user role the right to view more data is to set "SeesAllSites" as true for a user role.