  • 22 Dec 2020
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Work orders (WO)

When a work order is created it is important to fill in the work order card in detail. This can significantly facilitate any follow-up, both for the employees of the company using MM as well as the service providers who are to carry out the task in question.

Work order process

The following is an example of the manner in which a work order process is envisaged in general. There are many ways in which the process can be arranged, so it can in fact be different according to customers. The process is divided into four steps explained in greater detail below.

The figure shows a scheme for filling out workorder, external or internal. Usually external workorder means purchasing service. 

a) Work order creation

Work orders can be created by several methods. It is quite common for customers who use planning and project management to only create work orders through these systems. This means that it is clear before the work order is issued where it is to be recorded and possibly even who is to perform the work. Some work orders can belong to tasks from planning that are repeated on a regular basis in which case MM can create the WO automatically.

b) Status changes

Criteria can change at any time during the process. This may lead to the cancellation of the work order or putting it on hold. Care must be taken to inform all connected parties to such effect and to change cost figures so that they reflect reality.

c) Processing work orders

Once a work order has been processed, authorization has been given for expending finances (e.g. for external workorders). The work of service providers can begin, and we strongly recommend that service providers be required to submit cost estimates in advance so that it is possible to allocate costs to the work order. Of course the identity of the service provider may vary, he may be a party within the company or an outsider. In addition, whether the party has access to MM and to what extent may vary considerably. Nevertheless, he will at least receive notification that the work order has been created and may begin the work.

d) Work order completed

Once the service provider has completed the task he will send notification to such effect to the issuer of the work order. Sometimes he will have access to closing the work order in the system himself. Invoices will be issued once this has been done and, if there is a link to the accounting system, the service provider will be required to attach the work order number so that the cost is recorded in the correct place.


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