Property Management 20.16
  • 26 Feb 2024
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Property Management 20.16

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Article summary

New features

Work with the Property management process in a similar way as I did in v11 (EMM-1514)

a) We went over and fixed issues in Create housing from building space action

  • This action is used if you are using building spaces as your lease objects and you are moving into using housing as your lease objects.

  • This action then creates housing objects from the building spaces and moves the lease contracts from the building space to the housing object.

b) We have made Changes in Create lease contract action which is available on a housing object

  • Some fields only appear in the action if they are available in the lease contract module

    • Regulate interval

    • Standard calendar billing

    • Tax group

  • Leaseholder choice Choose an applicant only available if you have access to Lease application module

c) We have added a new column Contract active in lease contract list

  • Shows if contract is active on housing or not (Contract is active if it is selected as the lease contract on housing)

  • You can open the housing object through the column if the contract is active

d) We have made the Company list and Person/user list available within the Lease holders process step

  • Now you can easiliy access the company and person list within the property management process

  • Comes in handy if you want to f.x. see all possible leasers in one list (By filtering on Customer)

e) We have made it more easy to send login information to users

  • It is now possible to access the action Send login information to person via the Residents list.

  • It is also available in the Persons/users list.

  • It is now possible to send login information when registering a new lease holder via the action create lease contract

f) We have made it more accessible to create a new customer

  • Actions to create customer are now available through the “three dots“ above Tenant and Tenant contact fields in the lease contract module

  • The actions only appear if you have access to them

g) We have made the new checklist structure available within the Moving in/out process step

  • Need to have the setting New checklists being used active

h) We have made it possible to have new checklists on a housing object

  • All building spaces connected to the housing will be used to calculate the checklist

  • Example:

    • The standard checklists has two checkpoints connected to the building space type. One called “Check walls” and another called ”Check ceilings”

    • The housing object is connected to three rooms, room 1, 2 and 3

    • A checklists is created from the standard checklist on the housing object

    • Then each room, 1, 2 and 3, will get the check points “Check walls” and “Check ceilings”, i.e. 6 in total

  • See picture below for an example of a checklist created from a housing object, both with building spaces and the housing object in the checklist

i) We have made improvements in the checklist interface

  • The search will also search the path of the object

  • Possible to attach documents to Yes/No checkpoints even if nothing is wrong

  • Possible to attach documents to Condition and Measurement checkpoints:

  • Thousand seperators are now shown on measurements

j) We have added improved the checklist report in regards to housing inspections

  • Tenant is showed on the report frontpage

  • Condition grade is shown on the incidents, thousand seperators on estimated cost and improved captions for the fields:

k) We have added support for the new checklist structure within our Work process rule module

  • Now you can set up rules to create a checklist (new checklist structure) within work process rules

l) New action in lease contract to create a moving in/out checklist on the lease object

We have added a new action in Lease contract module where you can create a work order with a checklist i.e. when someone is about to move in or out

In the action window you must select the checklist you want to use and some information for the work order that holds the checklist.

The work order with the checklist is attached to the leasing object and can be found in the Moving in/out tab of the process. 

To be able to create a contract (fremleie) and make referance to another contract (innleid) (EMM-76)

Now it is possible to create a head contract that owns multiple sub contracts:

The sub-contract has to be on an object on or below the object of the head contract.

New field on contracts where it is possible to select a head contract:

New action “Attach contracts to head contract” to connect existing contracts to a selected head contract:

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