Purpose and description
- 26 Nov 2024
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Purpose and description
- Updated on 26 Nov 2024
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General process description
The property management process in MainManager (also often called Rental module) keeps track of rental properties in the property portfolio that will or can be rented out such as building spaces, housing, plot etc. Lease contracts are created which are linked to the rental objects and the main purpose is to create an invoice basis which is regularly transferred to the invoice system. At the same time, rules can be created to control moving in/out processes with work orders and checklists.
A screenshot from Property management process
If you want to take a look at our newest release notes for Property management, you can find them here.
The rental module contains a number of different steps that are part of the combined process:
- Lease objects: Here you will find all objects that can be leased. This might be housing, plot, building space, entire buildings, etc.
- Lease contracts: An overview of all lease contracts and their detailed information, status etc.
- Lease contract finance: Here is an overview of payments for each contract, regulating info and invoice approving and exporting to finance system.
- Lease holders: Here is a list of all tenants (organisations or individuals) as well as applications for lease.
- Moving in/out: Here is a list of all work orders with inspections that are scheduled through moving in/out process, but also other incidents and work orders related to lease holders or lease objects
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