Release 20.17 General
  • 06 Aug 2024
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Release 20.17 General

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Article summary


On 7th of june 2024 we will release version 20.17 of MainManager FM web.

Here we will list up the new features that this release will contain and describe the error fixes that have been done. By looking at the articles you can select from the left tree you will find information on what is new and fixed in each of the processes and one article describing general fixes. 

Each process article contains two chapters. First one lists up all the new features that are available (most of them by configuration) after the release update and the second chapter is to list up all the error fixes. At this point release notes are in process so final version will be ready on release date. 

If further information is needed please contact your MainManager contact, send an inquiry to or call us at +354 412 8600.

A recording from the release introduction meeting on 3.june can be viewed here

New features

New My page module (US 3134)

Now possible to define that snapshots should appear on my page

Snapshot can as before be global or assigned to specific user roles or organisations. Now you can also decide if snapshot is part of the new My page. When defining it you can select if the number of records is shown or for a selected column if sum, average, min or max of the column values is shown in My page. Also you can define a color palette that defines what color appears based on the value

If one or more snapshots are marked with <Show on my page> and the user has access to them, they appear in My page

All registered snapshots (ReportGenerator) are available for administrators in System configuration

Be able to create my shortcuts to menu structure (US 3024)

Now each user (that has access to the common action <AddMainModuleToShortcuts> can create own shortcuts to the menu structure. That is done be running the action <Add main module to shortcuts>

In the action the user can also see all shortcuts already registered, delete them and reorder

After adding this the next time he logs in the shortcuts are shown in the new module My page>My shortcuts

If the user looses access to this module than it no longer appears in the menu

For administrator to manage and see all registered shortcuts they are available in System settings

NOTE: The My page option in the left main menu only appears if either there is registered snapshots for my page that the user has access to or there is one or more shortcuts registered for the user

Extra fields in modules (EMM-1814)

We have previously introduced that extra fields can be added to some modules. Now we have added this option to more modules i.e. the following:

  • Documents

  • Product data

  • Product data components

  • Organisation tree (Companies, Departments, Employees, Persons etc.)

  • Accounts

  • Unitprice types

  • Task years

  • Head project years

  • Recurring incidents

  • Time and material registration

  • Contract payments and payments items

  • Contract items

  • Technical information

  • Object information

  • Service

  • Information

  • Object color

  • User story

  • Electronic invoice and Electronic invoice breakdown

Be able to define different template in forms, dependent on a specific field (US 3330)

Now it will be possible to have different fields for different categories of registration for some specific modules. The example here below is based on objects that can have different fields based on the type of object. First of all, if you want to use this concept, it must be turned on in system settings <Use MM form templates>

Each main module owns it owns set of MM form templates. An overview over these can be seen in System configuration

For registration forms supporting this (all kind of objects in object tree), when going into edit form the following icon is shown. If the icon is green that means that field is only shown when the connected MM form templates are “active” (that is default it is not shown).

To attach the column to a MM form template then click the icon and following action appears. Here you can attach the column to one or more template. In the list below you see existing attachments, and there you can delete the line if the connection should be removed

In the registration form for object type a new field MM form template has been added.

That is also visible in the Master, if object type has a MM form template then that is shown inside brackets. NOTE same MM form template can be registered on multiple object types

For building spaces the connection to MM form template is through Space usage (because space usage links the building space to defined object type). NOTE more than one space usage definition can reference same Object type, NOTE also that the object type defined on the space usage is used in the checklist and standard task concepts (that is, defines for instance what checks should be performed for a specific building space)

Here below is shown example for a CCS technical system how one column appears only for specific MM form template

This object type is not connected to that template so the column does not appear in the form

Apart from Object type, MM form template concept is now possible for these modules and note also which field it will be dependent on:

  • Projects (Head project type dependent)

  • Task, Standard task, Work order (Task category dependent)

  • Incidents (Incident type dependent <Check word item>)

  • Lease contract (Lease contract type dependent)

  • Service contract (Service contract category dependent)

  • Documents (Document type dependent)

  • Account (Account type dependent)

  • Unitprice type (Unitprice group dependent)

  • Cost registration on work order (hours, material etc.) (Unitprice type dependent)

  • Payment, Payments items, Price items on contracts (Unitprice type dependent)

  • Product data (Object types dependent, find the first reference to object type with assigned MM form template)

  • Quantity (Quantity type dependent)

  • Technical information (Quantity type dependent)

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