Administration and System configuration 20.7
  • 03 Dec 2021
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Administration and System configuration 20.7

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Article summary

New features

Turn off result message (i41612)

Now it is possible to turn off globally that success messages for create and update of data appear. 

Each user can as well turn this on and off (the system settings define the default behaviour)

The validation message that appears when form is not correctly filled out has also been improved.

Hide system update notifications (i41571)

A new field has been added to User role (not part of default set), <Hide system notifications>. If this is turned on the message that appears when system has been updated to a new version will not appear for users in this role. 

This message will not appear with the setting on.

Bug fixes and small changes 

Filter problems when module is running on default set (i41576)

Fixed problems in filtering when the modules were running on default set of columns. 

Related records blocking inactivation (i41685)

We have fixed some logic in the system causing data being blocked for inactivation. 

Extra record created in email history (i41557)

Fixed an error that caused some extra records being created in email history if the "Other email" field had a space in it. 

Improve search field (i40339)

Improve Search text functionality so that for ID fields like RequestID, TaskID, HeadProjectID, IncidentID for example the "searchtext" search does search for exact value. Also when search text is not integer value than these fields are excluded from the search.

Show module keys (US3064)

Now administrator with Show module keys setting turned on sees module keys in Administrator menu

Part of filter default set (i41614)

New setting in MMColumn that is an Administrator functionality:

If <Part of filter default set> is set as <Yes> and the column is available in filter then when you click on <Restore default> in filter then it will be checked by default. See with Country state on image below:

Import of companies from CVR (i41535)

Fixed an error in <Create Company From CVR> regarding handling of CVR number

Finance address is default if registered (i41610)

Now finance address is default selected in email for work orders if it is registered in global settings

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