- 03 Sep 2021
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Building archive 20.6
- Updated on 03 Sep 2021
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New features
Import of documents on building component structure (US2942)
We have now made some new actions to make it easier to import mass of documents into the system and attach them to the building component structure. The new actions are configurable under the building module.
Create building file structure
This action can be run to create a file structure for the building components on a specific building that you need to import documents on. The action creates a zip file folder structure according to the building component structure and after that you can place your files into those folder to import. When you run the action, you also get an option to export all the documents that are already attached to the building components. The zip folder will be placed in "Downloads" folder on your computer.
Import building documents
When you have a document folder containing mass of documents you want to import and attach to your building and its components, then you can use this action. When running the action you get a drop zone field where you put your zip file and execute. The documents are imported and attached to each level like build up in the structure.
The result can best be viewed in the O+M Documents step where you can see the building component structure and all documents attached to each level of the structure.
Improvements to adjustability of what fields are shown in dropdowns (i40237)
Now Site dropdown list shows the identification first if that is set in System configuration>System settings (Show site identification). Now it is also possible to decide on the list order number sequence for columns that should appear in dropdowns, but notice that if the setting is turned on for the site dropdown you cannot change it otherwise in column ordering.
Energy classification indicator on buildings (i39814)
We have implemented the Energy classification indicator that some v11 users might be familiar with. The icon indicates combination of the energy rating (letter) and heating rating (color) for the building. It is also possible to add a building summary into the site property window that shows this icon.
Access rights on uploading BIM models and Interactive drawing (i39916)
Now it can be configured who has access to upload BIM models and interactive drawings in the system. It is necessary to have Add access to BIM Project module to be able to upload a BIM model and Interactive drawing module to be able to upload an interactive drawing.
Change to Filter in BIM processing - Register System Structure (i40285)
It is now possible to filter both left and right tree on Object type. When object type is selected the <All elements> node changes to <All elements for > selected object type. When that node is used then only BIM elements of that type (and below) are created as building components
New action to copy functional system (i39950)
A new action can now be configured to copy functional system (CCS) from one building to another.
Error fixes
Building icons on map (i39511)
Buildings in portfolios marked with Not show on map will not appear on GIS map
Move buildings from one site to another (i40109, i40103)
Some improvements made on the action to move building so that it is now possible to move buildings/open areas even if there are open work orders on it. A warning message is displayed in those cases that asks the user if buildings/open areas should really be moved. The affected work orders are now available in the list of affected records so the user can take a decision if the work orders should be cancelled before moving.
Names not registering right in import actions (i40244)
Two actions to import building tree from clipboard was fixed so the object names are registered correctly. The actions are Import building tree from clipboard and Import building tree from clipboard 2.
Matrikkel integration issues (i39898, i40138, i40039)
- We fixed some issues that were preventing addresses and coordinates to be registered correctly.
- Some sites were turning error in import because of null references in data. This is now handled in the import.
- We added a check so buildings with specific codes are not imported i.e. buildings that are not in use, have been burned or shred.
Incident sub data on site shown twice (i40214)
A fix on incident sub data that was duplicated in site module.
Ordering of space usage records in dropdown list (i39889)
Space usage will now be ordered in drop down list by name and then identification
Address fixes (i40035)
We have fixed some issues with addresses i.e. filtering on city and more. We also want to point out that we have had comments on how the search is sometimes not returning all desired results even if the user knows it is an address that exists. The solution to this should in many cases be that the string must be quite detailed for the results to be returned.
Document attached to object (i40047)
Error fixed that caused documents not to be attached to the selected object in O+M document step in Building archive
Locate BIM element is not registering correctly (i40193)
Some modifications were made along with some error fixes.
- The action to locate BIM elements was modernized and has a new web icon.
- The action will be accessible in the BIM viewer
- The action will tackle different types of BIM elements
- If scenario is Location and system elements selected then LocationID field of the BIM element will be updated
- Not allowed to set other than location objects for location elements
- Added info text that shows the user what will happen, warning message and error message
Multiselect actions in BIM does not show (i39918)
Multi selecting BIM elements and right clicking now works after fix.
Interactive drawing issues (i40048)
Some problems were identified and fixed regarding the header in interactive drawing files. When creating the PDF the system can now handle MText fields in the header so it is changed to a single line text field.
Open building space through interactive drawing process (i40012)
Fix that you can right click on interactive drawings in process of interactive drawings to open building space window