Building archive 20.7
  • 03 Dec 2021
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Building archive 20.7

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Article summary

New features

Change registration of invoice address (US3101)

We have made some small changes to the address default registration form. Address name 1 to 3 are now a part of the default set (Address name 4 can be added). Zip code is also a required field.

We have also created a new action <Create address> that is always available above address drop downs if the user has add rights for address module. 

In this action you can select some address to copy from, if you know an address that is similar to the one you want to register. Then the fields will be filled out with that info and you can edit them as you want. 

And finally there has been added a new field for companies and departments - Invoice address. This field replaces old text field with same purpose

Small changes and bug fixes 

Import from Matrikkel (i41659)

We have made it possible to import sites from Matrikkel (NO) that do not have any building registration. Those sites have until now been excluded from the import. 

New action to disconnect real property from site (i41620)

We have added a new action that can be run on real property to disconnect it from the site it belongs to. 

Instructions field in system registration (i41710)

New column <Instructions> available for all levels of CCS, SfB/NS registration forms

Device number (i41683)

New field <Device number> has been added to CCS objects and SfB objects as possible field (not part of default set)

Site name missing from windows and correction of Technical information (i40341)

Fix that site is not always appearing in Quantity form. Also correct import of Technical information from excel and add filter possibility to manage window, list and filter for Technical information

New option for building space naming (i41550)

Add new option in global settings for building space naming <Only name part>. Then only name part is used in name of building spaces in tree structure

Space sub type not shown (i41709)

A small bug fixed so that sub type is selectable and visible in building space form 

New columns in building registration (i40075)

New columns in Building registration: <Building manager> and <Technical manager>. Changed handling of what was previously called <Contact person>, is now called <Building contact> and can be both organisation or employee (previously only employee). In Site registration the term <Contact person> has been changed to <Site contact>.

Change interactive drawing blocks and import (i41711)

Now it is possible to have a new block attribute HOUSING in CAD drawing blocks. That can be set through interactive drawing settings

When that is set then Housing identification can be put in the HOUSING attribute. When the drawing is imported and it has this attribute registered then the building space is connected to that housing object if it exists. If the housing object does not exist it is created on that site, localized on the floor and connected to the building space. If a housing is changed on the building space, it is updated in the drawing.

In connection with this change a new action was added to the Housing list. <Assign first building space as housing location>. That action finds for each selected housing the building space with the first Identification and put that as base location for the housing

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