- 16 Apr 2020
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Configuration of menu and processes
- Updated on 16 Apr 2020
- 4 Minutes to read
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In this step, it is possible to configure user role access e.g. to which processes, steps and modules they can see in the system as well as define the access levels for each module.
When a user selects configuration steps in the Access Management process, an overview of all the processes opens up for configuration like is possible in the relevant database. At the far right of each banner / process, an On / Off button is displayed indicating whether the particular process is visible to the selected user role.
To begin with, the user decides which user role he wants to configure the system for. Pressing the yellow box above the banners opens the filter and you can select the desired user role. Note that in the filter it is also possible to filter on other options eg. a specific process to simplify the view.
Screenshot from Configuration step in Access management. Building archive process has been made visible for the selected user role
As soon as a process is pressed, the below steps appear which are open for configuration. Similarly, the user can turn on and off the desired steps within that process for the selected user role.
When a step is pressed, the modules (sub-steps) that are possible within the step are displayed. Here it is possible to control access level to the module:
- Full access - Users in the role can create, edit and delete records in the respective module. In the window for the module, users can edit data in all fields where possible in the interface.
- Edit access - Users in the role can open records in the respective module and edit data, but there is no access to create or delete records.
- Read only - Users in the role can only open records in the respective module and read information without editing anything. No access to create or delete records.
Note that it is possible to have access rights to a module without seeing it in a specific menu within the system. This means that the user could have access to register or edit data through related data (eg. sub data).
Configuration of modules under Location step. User role has Full access to three modules and Read only to others. Two modules are visible in menu
Within each module, it is possible to configure access to actions, sub data, connected data model, reports, etc. for the respective user role.
Within a module there are actions, sub data, reports etc. to configure per user role
Note that for Connected data and Sub data there is also shown the ability to control access levels because each of them has a separate module behind. However, it should be remembered that if the access level changes for a specific module in one place in the configuration, it applies to all the places where this module is displayed for the user role. Also note that configuring of which Sub data is visible for the user role can also be adjusted inside the window for the respective module.
Types of configurable items within module
Connected data
The modules shown here are somehow related to the module you are configuring, in most cases they are included in its registration window. There may be a need to allow the user role to create new records or modify existing ones for this data. Here it is only possible to define access levels to this connected data.
Example of connected data that is visible within Building module and where they appear in the building window
Sub data
Here are all the configuration options for data to display on the right side within the module window. It is possible to set the access level, but also whether that data is visible or not. Examples of data that may be part of the building module are e.g. Documents, Floors and Building spaces.
Example from a building module window where there is access to sub data
Here are the reports that can be set for the selected module.
Data actions
Here is an overview of the actions that can be run for entries within this module. It might be actions that can be activated from a single record, many at a time, or for the entire set of data within the module.
Property box actions
Here you see special actions used to register data instead of using the plus button.
Import actions
Here you see actions that can be used to import data specifically into the module. It might be from e.g. Excel but it is different from one module to anothew which import actions exist.
Export actions
Here is an overview of the actions that can be executed to retrieve data from the system in a specific way. However, keep in mind that the general action Export List is always visible and is very powerful at any time to export data from the list.
Other actions
Here you will see actions specific for one reason or another.