General additions and changes
  • 03 Dec 2021
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General additions and changes

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Article summary

New features

List improvements (US2926)

In this release we introduce some very exciting features that are adjustable for all users. 

First of all, each user can control following by clicking the user icon in top right banner: 

  • Font size in the system (percentage from 70% - 130%)
  • Font weight in list (Light,Normal,Bold)
  • Control if list content should be wrapped or not

When user has selected <Wrap list columns> the content of each column will fit within it and each row will get larger accordingly. We also like to point out that by minimizing i.e. status columns, the text will be hidden so you can have it like a colored dot. 

Secondly we have added a pinned filter footer and a scrollbar that are always visible in the footer area. 

Last but not least, it is now possible to see sub data directly within the list area by clicking an arrow in front of each record.  


Along with these changes we have fixed some minor bugs in list setup. 

Improvements to snapshots (US2907)

Snapshots for each module have now been made more visible in the top right corner of the system.

When a snapshot is selected the name of the snapshot is displayed and the possibility to select the snapshot by pressing the home button.

Snapshots can also now be created that exclude location. This means that the snapshot view will be contained even if you change the location in the top filter. 

It is also possible for Administrators of the system to give user roles access to specific snapshots. This can be done through the snapshot overview.  

Search in menu structure (US3009)

We have added a new search within the menu structure of MainManager.  The search input is located in the top of the menu and the user inputs the search criteria.

Here a user has inputted the criteria "transact" and the menu items are filtered after all items that match that criteria.

Strong password policy (US3062)

We want to mention that from now on there is a strong password policy into all MainManager databases. This applies when you create or change a password so that the following criteria is fulfilled: 

  • Minimum 8 characters
  • Minimum 1 alphabetic character
  • Minimum 1 numeric character or non alphabetic character

Lost password option is now also a default in all MainManager login pages. User can click a link to get sent an email with a link to change his password.

Be able to have the system in Finnish language (US3103)

We have added an option to select (and translate) the system in Finnish language. 


Small changes and bug fixes

"My profile" visible for all users (i41573)

Until now we have had to configure for each user role if it should be able to access "My profile" in the upper right corner. This has now been changed so that all users can access this information and change their language etc. 

Time limit clear in filter (i40203)

We have removed the blue colouring in time limit filtering that was set even when the filter is "empty" i.e. showing all records. Now it will only be coloured blue when the selection is limiting how many records are shown.

Time limit filtering in version 20.7 (left) vs 20.6 (right)


Problems with grouping records in sub lists (i40386)

Fixed some issues that were ocurring when users were grouping data in sub lists. 

Search for work order id in filter is too slow (i40339)

We have made improvements on the search functionality so that for ID fields like RequestID, TaskID, HeadProjectID, IncidentID for example the search text does search for exact value. Also when search text is not integer value than these fields are excluded from the search. Also we have removed that the site name is a default search field in the filter. 

Classification of files in drop zones (i40502)

We have improved the logic for all the files that are being added in the system through a drop zone (like in work orders, incidents etc.) and therefore without a document type . Until now the system has selected a base type from the ending of file and then on some random document type (with the lowest ID) under that base type. From now on a default document type (with the name Undefined) will be created for each document base type and these documents will get this document type. 


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