General additions and changes 20.8
  • 02 Mar 2022
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General additions and changes 20.8

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Article summary

New features

Changes on how organisation structure is shown in drop down lists (i43025)

We have now made some changes on how names of organisations are shown in drop down lists in registration windows i.e. on work order, incident etc. Now when the organisation structure is on many levels the name now appears first and the total path is shown behind it in parentheses (in edit mode of record)

When searching directly in the employee list then the company and department is shown in parentheses after the name

Region group in top filter (US3137)

With a new system setting it will now be possible to extend the top filtering above the list to show region group along with the region, portfolio, site and object dropdowns as have been selectable before. This region group is used by some customers to geographically define a grouping of site data i.e. like districts. 

It will also be possible to multiselect regions in the top filtering, but that has not been possible before.

In the right filtering we have also added the option to filter on object type level 1 and 2 and view this information in list. This can be added in the edit mode for the modules that register data on objects like tasks, work orders, incidents etc. 

Filtering data on Tomorrow and Next week (i39762)

We have added two new options to date filtering selection, „Tomorrow“ and „Next week“. This is specially useful for those who have deadline dates on their tasks and work orders and want to see in a quick way what is scheduled for few days ahead. 

Exclude location in snapshot (i41882)

Now all users can select to exclude location from their snapshot. Previously this was only available for administrators


Keyboard accessibiltiy (US2974)

In order to better support MainManager users that use screen reader extensions, we have added aria labels on field captions in the system that screen readers use when reading. We have also added some keyboard shortcuts to certain common features that allow users to access e.g. register button, save button and more in an easier way.

  • Alt+M : Opens up the menu
  • Alt+N : Opens up a registration window in the respective module
  • Alt+F : Opens up the filter area
  • Alt+A : Opens up the no select action menu 
  • Alt+S : Saves and closes the registration window
  • Alt+X : Closes the registration window without saving

Grouping data in lists (US3110)

As grouping data in lists that contain large amount of data has been causing problems and slowing the system down, we will introduce some changes on how grouping is handled. Also we have added some nice features regarding showing percentage of each grouping etc. 


Session timeout (US3068)

In last bug fix update we made some changes to prevent that users were thrown out of the system without notice. But now we have also made some new global settings so that administrators can configure how long the session should be active etc.

A timeout warning will appear like this 

 And when the session has ended the user is redirected to this page:

Security (US3128)

Continuous development on making the MainManager system as secure as possible such as removing all usage of runtime views in the system etc.

Bug fixes

Information text for user roles (i42930, i43030, i42964)

Fix that an information text can be registered and is visible in edit mode. This text can be different from one user role to another. 

Make "More info" visible in small screens by default (i43113)

We have made a change on appearance of forms when opening up records in a small device. Until now the "More info" has been hidden until a click, but now this is open by default so users can see directly the actions and sub data accessible within the form without looking for it. 

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