- 03 Jul 2020
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- Updated on 03 Jul 2020
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Incidents in general
Incidents can come from parties within the company or from outsiders. The manner which they are recorded varies, i.e. whether people do so themselves on web, APP, send email or phone in and others (service desk) record the incident. The following is a short summary of how the overall incident process is envisaged.
Incidents refers to suggestions, wishes, proposals and comments (also from views) that collect in MainManager under the synonym incidents. Property user often have access to register, view and monitor requests and recommendations. It is also important to accept incidents that come from outsiders and that such incidents are recorded. Incidents are given a name, number and description and appear in the incident list of the project manager. He can then enter the incident in a work order, next year’s schedule or process it immediately. The person who sent the incident can monitor its status, send a reminder, etc. if he has access to the system. This process allows managers to monitor strain and assess performance (e.g. by means of a report showing how long on average it takes to respond to such matters, etc.).
The process is divided into two principal steps, (a), register and (b). processing a incidents.
a) Incidents can be entered into the system by various methods. Both private companies and public institutions need to have access to all incidents created by building staff, building supervisors or in some cases, the general public. MainManager makes this possible by allowing incidents to be registered directly into MainManager via these platforms
- Web-based registration
- Smart device
- App
- Other systems via MainManager’s APIs
To register new incident, click on the green plus on the left side and then opens a register window to fill out.
b) Once incidents have been recorded, they are processed and a decision is made on what to do to an incident. You can:
- Finish incident
- Create workorder
- Cancel incident
- Put on hold
- Link to task
If it is decided to start a work from incident, click on create „work order from incident“ see figure below. A template form opens which inherits information from the incident, but user need to add e.g
- Title (inherits from incident but can be changed)
- Comment
- To employee (contractors)
- Timeframe
- Assigned cost
The work order contains all the information to complete the work. The work order can be linked to other items such as contracts, accounts, tasks or maintenance tasks, depending on user needs.