- 03 Jan 2022
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MT Release 17.december
- Updated on 03 Jan 2022
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Here is a list of changes and fixes that will be included in Maintenance release update of MainManager FM on 17th of December 2021
Please contact your project manager at MainManager for further details.
General additions and bug fixes
Actions appearing when they should not (i41814)
After last release update some actions were suddenly appearing in action menu that had not been configured on user roles. This has been fixed.
Sub data and chat disappearing (i41769)
Fix on an error that in some specific instances caused chat and sub data to disappear from a registration window.
HTML tags in selected item in combo boxes (i41808)
Added layer that will remove script tags for dropdowns and trees. When HTML tag was a part of selection in combo box it was incorrectly translated and caused a corrupt form.
Emails created by automatic service (i41575, i41747)
Until now some automatic actions have been sending an old format of work order frontpages out. This has been changed so that if a customer is set on using V20 of automatic services, the template reports are sent out.
Operation and Maintenance process + Helpdesk
Participant on work order (i41693)
We have added a new possibility to filter on participant on work order. Select for instance you as employee and check From and To on work order. Then you get filtered work orders where you are From OR To on work orders
Error fix regarding adding theme to task (i41839)
We have made it possible to select multiple themes on task through the registration form of task since there was an error preventing this in earlier versions.
New time registration action for customers using clocking systems (US3104)
We have made a action to register hours <RegisterMyHoursShowingClockingSystemData> .This action can be used for customers using integration to clocking systems and customers that are using projects/budget frames and want to use that to navigate to the right work orders. The action is also intended to register employee related costs (Material registration) like mileage, per diem etc,
This action as well as the existing time registration action <Register my hours> has some common improvements
Search, Sites, (projects) and work orders are limited to the Region, Portfolio, Site selected in the top navigator
It is know possible to decide (each user) with <Today default selected> if the Date field when open the action is Today or the Date you used last time you used then action
When site is selected it automatically selects the last work order you registered hours on that site (if still open).
When work order is selected the Description suggestion shows the ID and name of the work order as well as the text you entered last time on that specific work order. You can then with copy and paste use these texts when registering Time registration description
The action know shows the hours already registered on the selected date and the summary at the bottom shows the registration for that date. The registration can be changed with the use of the <Open record>
New time registration action for customers that want to use time from/to when registering hours (US3060)
To turn this on, following must be configured in System configuration. <Use timestamps in time registration>. Also to utilize the full functionality to define a Default availability profile (and/or assign different availability profiles to the employees
The new action is available from time registration <Register hours (RegisterHoursJP)>
In the action you can search for sites and work orders in the search field or select the sites and work orders through dropdowns. Not that if Region, Portfolio, Site is selected in the top navigator than the results are inside that "scope" as well as the dropdowns for Site and Work order
In the Employee dropdown the logged in user is default selected but he can select other employees from all companies that are marked as intern. That is a difference from other existing time registration action where user typically only register his own hours not others
<Today default selected> is an option for the logged in user how the Date field is default filled out. If checked then Today is the default date, otherwise the date on the last time registration is default.
Date is selected and for the selected date the summary below <Employee hours registered for date> shows what has been registered for the selected date/employee
Time from and Time to are the timestamps when work started and finished. Default Time from and Time to comes from the Availability profile if that is registered. When creating more than one registration for the day the system fills out the Time from according to last Time to timestamp
Hours is calculated based on this. Summary for date tells the time registration status for the the employee that date and uses the Availability profile for each weekday as input.
Description suggestion shows the name of the work order and the last time registration description for the selected employee on the selected date and can with copy and paste be copied into the time registration description
Add Creater and Modifier as possible columns to Work order list and in filter (i41785)
Copy task years between years (i41788)
i41788 Two new actions to copy task year planned cost between years. <Copy task years between years for task classification>. This copies all tasks of the selected task classification from the <Year from> to <Year to> if the task year in Year from has a registered planned cost. If overwrite option is on then it overwrites existing planned cost in the target year, otherwise only if the planned cost in the target year is zero. If the date finish on the task is prior to 31.12. in the Year to, then date finish is changed to 31.12. in the <Year to>. The action <Copy task years between task years> has the same functionality but is a multi select action the does this on the selected tasks
Project Management
Status fields on project (US3107)
Some of the status fields used in V11 for projects have been added in V20.
Following has been added regarding Project indicators (red, yellow, green) as shown below
Also following dates for Project management timetables have been added
Cleaning process
Bug fix when deselecting if a building space should be cleaned (i41727)
The field <Clean building space> will now not be set when form is opened when some cleaning model is on the space.