MT Release 20.6.1 - 17th of September
  • 17 Sep 2021
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MT Release 20.6.1 - 17th of September

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Article summary

Here is a list of changes and fixes that will be included in Maintenance release update of MainManager FM on 17.september 2021

Please contact your project manager at MainManager for further details.

General changes and bug fixing

Unsuccessful login attempts (US2655)

In both V11 and FM20.6 is added security check that locks for user in 10 minutes when he has performed 10 unsuccessful login tries. The same applies for access to all webservice api calls

The failed login attempts are stored in the main log table

Error in multiselection from list (i40356)

A strange error causing the list area not to identify if some records are selected in list or not has been fixed. 

Snapshot to Excel does not export the right columns (i40333)

An error was fixed that caused Excel report of snapshot not to show sub-columns i.e. planned cost per year in tasks. 

Building archive process

Format of description text in Base info (i40296)

Now the format of the description field in site and building form will be held and shown alike in Base info 

Import model elements from Bimsync (i40108)

The action Import elements from Bimsync has changed so that the user can select to exclude product relations and classification reference relations when importing selected BIM elements

Replace of VT File icon (i40130)

A bug fix to make file icons work in lists where they were not. 

Document management

Documents with A104 standard (i40324)

If A104 is turned on then following document status set is used instead of the mm standard status set

G1    Under udarbejdelse    In preparation

G2    Under kontrol        In review

G3    Under godkendelse    In approval

G4    Udgivet            Released

G5    Erstattet        Replaced

G6    Udgået            Withdrawn

For those who have actively been using status on documents they can see in this table below how this will transfer over to this new status set if they change to A104 standard. So be aware that if any documents have status nr. 6 - those documents will have an "empty" status after the setting is turned on. 

Status ID
1Document in preperationIn process
2Document in reviewPending
3Document in approvalAwaiting publication
4Document releasedPublished
5Document withdrawnActive version
6-Active version
7Document replacedInactive version

Fix that folders now appear in action Add manual folders (i40107)

For customers using manuals in document management, they can now add folders. Before this dropdown was empty. Now it shows Site and folder belonging to it

Error in document sub data (i40359)

  • Fixed error when documents were added by action in sub-data
  • Fixed child-count when documents were added/removed

Error when redlining documents in App (i40361)

Fixed issue with images containing "&" in their file names (both in app and web).

Property management

Lease contracts on site level (i40277)

Now it is possible to set setting so that lease contracts can be linked to sites as well as housing objects (otherwise only housing objects).

New bookmarks in lease contract template report (i40319)

Few new bookmarks have been added to lease contract template report:

  • BM_Manager
  • BM_ManagerPhone
  • BM_ManagerPersonalID
  • BM_ManagerEmail
  • BM_ManagerAddress
  • BM_ManagerZipCode
  • BM_ManagerCity

Invoice report format fixes (i39909)

Some minor fixes on how product specification in the xml for lease invoicing report where made. 

Add Finance department to Lease contract for customers using Visma finance system (i40229)  

New field available in lease contract form/list/filter

When creating contract this same field appears when Finance system Visma

When invoice is created the Finance department is added to the main invoice lines.

 The Finance department number is sent over to Visma in the attribute Profile through integration to Visma

Operation and Maintenance 

Cancel task instance when work order is cancelled (i40300)

We have made a minor change so that when a work order that is generated from a task instance is cancelled, the task instance is also cancelled instead of still being in process. 

Inspection result report fix (i40367)

A fix to make the a inspection result report be available for the normal type of inspections, not only lease inspection report. 

Helpdesk process

Removed from Survey status value translator that it shows the filename for the survey result (i40304)

MM Helpdesk app 

Minor additions to Helpdesk app (i40117)

-We made the selected location more visible when selecting location

-We now show the selected location in the last step.

-We have added default checkword and default checkword item to MMAppKey setup.

      If you have something selected in default checkword then you don‘t see the checkword selction page in the app.

      If you have something selected in both default checkword and default checkword item then you don‘t see the checkword or checkword item selection page in the app.

-We now save contact information on the created user and his incidents registered from app, given that the contact login is active.

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