- 15 Oct 2021
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MT Release 20.6.2 - 15th of October 2021
- Updated on 15 Oct 2021
- 3 Minutes to read
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Here is a list of changes and fixes that will be included in Maintenance release update of MainManager FM on 15th of October 2021
Please contact your project manager at MainManager for further details.
General additions and bug fixes
Session time out (i40280, i40391)
We have had comments on that webs sometimes become unresponsive and it seems as if the session has timed out without the user being sent to session time out page. We have changed the logic to prevent this to happen.
Building archive
Small changes on action to create building file structure (i40510)
Fixed two problems in Create Building File Structure action. First not allow filename with <> symbols as that crashes the web. Secondly trim folder names to 30 symbols as the total allowed folder structure limit in windows is 248 symbols
Hazard text for sites and building floors (i40434)
Hazard text and hazard text indicator has been made configurable for to the site module as possible columns. The same applies for building floors. Also it has been opened up for Date imported column for site module since it was always locked before.
Print out drawings (i39809)
Fix on action to print out drawings so that it does not sometimes run into system memory exception.
Only show active accounts in site sub data (i40469)
Change so that only active accounts are shown in accounts for objects in for instance site window sub data.
Operation and Maintenance
Additions to Request On Hold Notice module (i40438)
Now the request status as configurable as a column and filter for Request On Hold Notice
Automatic fill out of contact fields (i40065)
Now it is possible through customer behaviour settings for Incidents to select option <Show fillout contact checkbox>. When that is marked it is possible to add <Fill out contact> field to the form. The setting without the field in the form always populates the fields Contact person, Contact email and Contact phone with the information from the employee selected in the Reported by dropdown. If the checkbox field is added to the form, it is default checked and populates this information unless it is unchecked
Others in email history when sending email (i40257)
When sending email through the "Send email" action the emails specified in "Other emails" are now stored in "Email history"
Improvements on search for building spaces on external incident page (i40457)
We have now improved the search within the objects on external incident page so the results can be up to 50 records and then there appears a scrollbar if you prefer to find your correct result within the returned set of objects.
Bug fix on list error when switching from Gantt to list view (i40485, i41518)
We have fixed errors that were causing the multi select action menu not to work after the list had been switched from Gantt view over to list view (or vice versa) like is possible to do in Task planning and Task management modules. This same error caused the counter and paging above the list not to show the right number of records after switching from one view to another.
Change type of incident when changing check word/check word item (i40223)
The action <Change check word item> now includes <Incident mode>. The selected <Incident mode> will filter on the list of <Check words>. Available <Incident modes> is dependent on what <Incident modes> the active user has access to.
Access check on documents (i40505)
Bug fix on access to documents in drop zone fields on work orders, incidents etc. so it follows the same logic as when the user is working with the documents in the respective list.
Preview surveys (i41514)
Bug fix so that it is possible to preview surveys and fill out cause analysis surveys
Administration and system configuration
Disable No select option (i40463)
It is now possible to adjust for MM column if the "No selection" option should be available or not in drop down lists.
In this example, we want to remove the no selection from check word in Failure module that is shown above. Then we set the "Disable Noselect" option to Yes.
After that, the first item from the dropdown list will be default selected in this dropdown list when registering failure and there is no possibility on having nothing selected.
Improvements on snapshot functionality (i40365)
It is now possible for Administrators to open snapshots in common list for data. They can change ordering of snapshots in the menu so that default snapshot is at top and snapshots otherwise are ordered by number and name.
For global snapshots it is possible to make them default that means if a user is logging in for the first time he will go directly to this default snapshot instead of the normal default setup for the module. When snapshot is created or updated it now also stores if the filter is pinned or not.