MT Release 21.january
  • 21 Jan 2022
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MT Release 21.january

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Article summary

Here is a list of changes and fixes that will be included in Maintenance release update of MainManager FM on 21st of january 2022. 

Please contact your project manager at MainManager for further details.

Additions to various processes

Dashboard additions (US2722)

Improvements to the global dashboard page. They include:

  • Filtering on selected location (in the above filter)
  • Filtering on selected time period
  • Filtering on selected organisation

Each dashboard can include one or more portal. Each portal will now have icons that show what filtering will affect the data of the portal:

  1. Will this portal be filtered on selected location
  2. Will this portal be filtered on selected organisation
  3. Will this protal be filtered on selected time period

If no icon is present for each type then that portal will not be affected by filtering.

If the user is an administrator then the user will get the option to edit the portal or set the summary layout (if the portal supports that):

New import function for projects and a new action to convert tasks to projects (US3098)

A new import function for the project management process. Developed for KU(Copenhagen University).

This action takes in data defined by KU and creates the following:

  • Projects
  • Tasks from standard tasks. The tasks are connected to the project.
  • Task years.
  • Work orders that are connected to the tasks.

Also a new action to convert tasks to head projects 

The action does following (available in task planning and management)

 For each selected task a new project is created and attached to the task.

The project gets all the relevant fields values from the task

Project owner and project owner organization as well as project category is copied from the previous budget frame attached to the task

Task documents are connected to the project

Task annual budget is copied to the project annual budget


The task is update with attributes from a standard task according to following rules

If it has not work order attached then according to standard task 4 (Standard opgave for opgave uden ordre eller uden udgiftstype)

If all its attached work orders have no defined task classification then according to standard task 4 (Standard opgave for opgave uden ordre eller uden udgiftstype)

If it has work orders all with the same task classification then according to the standard task selected for that task classification


If the task has work orders attached with a number of different task classifications then following is done

The task is updated according to the task classification with the lowest rank ( if both orders with task classification 1 and 2 then 1 is used etc.)

Then a new task is created for each of the other classifications according to the original task and the selected standard task. All the work orders of that type of task classification is attached to the new task



If Standard task has some attribute filled out that is filled out in the task, then the standard task attribute overwrites it, otherwise the task attribute is unchanged

Where extra tasks are created the task years are copied but with planned cost as zero.

Improve visibility of cleaning profiles in interactive drawings (i41907)

Support now that cleaning profile can be either directly on building space or fetched through the assigned space usage for the building space


Change in integration of work orders to KMD Opus (i41668)

The integration to KMD Opus for work orders has been changed. In that concept on each work order there can be multiple assigned cost lines created with different dates. 

The customer wanted the change that there can be only one assigned cost per each finance year on each work order. The following system setting was added to support that. If user now tries to create two lines for assigned cost dated on the same finance year, the system prevents that

The change in the integration is that previously each work order assigned cost line was created as a separate <Bevillingsdisponering> (Purchase order) in KMD Opus with one Position (Purchase order line). After the change each work order is created as a Bevillingsdisponering in KMD Opus and each Work order assigned cost line is created as a Position (Purchase order line) on that Bevillingsdisponering

As a lease administrator I want to be able to divide costs between leaser (US3124)

New possible column for housing and lease contracts that highlights if area for housing is not accordingly to sum of area for building spaces belonging to the housing

Changes to zip code functionality (US3121)

The import from clipboard function for zip codes now includes the Description column

The Icelandic zipcode list has been updated and is available in S:\Sameign\Customers\Ísland\#MainManager Ísland. Icelandic account managers, please import it to your customers databases

When the Description column for a zip code is filled out it now appears in dropdowns for zip codes

Response demand locked text (i42925)

Now locked text for incident subcategories registered on response demand for site appears below dropdown

In Response demand registration you can now see in sub data what sites are connected to it

Created by and modified by added as fields in work order (i41826)

Now it is possible to add those fields into filter on work orders if you need to see who created or modified a work order. 

Result message (i41736)

We have added to the functionality behind the global setting (and user setting) that hides success result messages so that they will also be hidden for actions that run successfully. 

Bookmarks for building addresses (i41689)

We have added the option in work order frontpage from template to input bookmarks for building address.

Changes on external page for incidents (i41886)

Make service notifications and response demand texts appear on external incident registration page. 


Bug fixes

Make time registration chart appear for users with limited access (i41910)

Disable access check so that users with limited access to work orders can still see the time registration chart. 

HTML codes in email (i41883)

Fix that some HTML codes were added to email text when the frontpage was removed before the email was sent. 

Manually created addresses not found (i41916)

Fixing that some manually created addresses were not being returned in the search result.  

Errors in expanded sub lists (i41881)

Fixed some errors that were happening when actions were executed on records in sub lists.

Incidents connected to work order nr. 1 (i41785)

A bug fixed in handling of apostrophes in text fields that was causing incidents being put in follow up on work order nr. 1 instead of the new created one. 

Report generator list not appearing (i42933)

Fix an issue where the report generator list (snapshots) was not coming up as expected for a specific customer. 

Add a missing setting (i41912)

The setting for NotificationCenterDeleteXDays has been added to System settings

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