- 03 Dec 2021
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Operation and Maintenance 20.7
- Updated on 03 Dec 2021
- 6 Minutes to read
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Pilot project on new inspection module (US2904)
In the last couple of weeks we have been working on some changes and additions to the inspection module - both regarding setup and process of inspections. This has been done in cooperation with some of our existing customers that are now testing these new features in a pilot version. For now there are no changes for our other current customers and since we will continue development of this we will introduce these changes in next release. If you are interested in knowing more about this development at this time, please contact your MainManager project manager.
Split up of Project data vs Operational data (US2958)
In this release we introduce a new way for customers that want to separate totally between Project management data and Operation and Maintenance data. By activating this split up, it will be possible to have different setup in registration windows, lists etc. but at the same time, the data will be filtered by those two different scopes.
For those who are not interested in splitting this data up, no action is needed but every customer using either Project management or Operation and Maintenance process might become aware of some terms being changed - which is explained further here below.
To make this split up, first of all the following system setting has been added <Projects and budgets divided> and must be turned on to activate the change:
The setting activates total split of data (Projects and project data, tasks and task data, work orders and work order data, electronic invoices and finance transactions. When set it demands that all projects/budgets have defined Project type and each Project type has defined Project category.
This also demands that all tasks refer to a Project or O&M budget (also internal tasks)
This setting has also effect on Schedule type and Task category registration as these must belong to a defined Project category and are filtered accordingly in Tasks and Work orders
It also have effect on the possible maintenance categories (different between cultures) that the user can select from in tasks and work orders
For customers that want to have different accounts for projects and for operation and maintenance, following system setting has been added <Accounts divided between project and O&M budgets.
Then following is added to registration of account types as demanded field, and the accounts are filtered according to this in Project management and Operation and maintenance
Following has been added as possibilities to the menu structure
Finance management
- Budget frames work order cost
- Budget frame work order hours
- Budget frame work order materials
- Budget frames
- Budget frame years
- Budget frame task planning
- Budget frame task management
- Budget frame task years
- Budget frame work orders
All these new items have special tags and can therefore have separate setup of forms, lists, filters, snapshots and user role access. In finance management you see all projects, tasks, work orders etc. both from Project management and Operation and maintenance
Project management
- Project task planning
- Project task management
- Project task years
- Project work orders
- Project contracts
- Project contract payment items
- Project electronic invoices
- Project work order cost
- Project work order materials
- Project transactions
All these new items have special tags and can therefore have separate setup of forms, lists, filters, snapshots and user role access. When the new system setting <Projects and budgets divided> is activate the user only sees data in Project management belonging to Projects with Project category is <Project>
Operation and maintenance
- O&M budgets
- O&M budgets years
- O&M electronic invoices
- O&M transactions
All these new items have special tags and can therefore have separate setup of forms, lists, filters, snapshots and user role access. When the new system setting <Projects and budgets divided> is activate the user only sees data in Operation and maintenance belonging to Budgets with Project category is <O&M budget>
Update process when converting from V20.6 to V20.7
So customers that are using Finance administration, Project management and Operation and maintenance following automatic changes are done when system is updated.
To not loose existing configuration and user role administration as it is setup now following is copied between the existing tag and new tags that now are introduced (from bold faced to not bold faced)
Project management | Operation and maintenance | Finance management |
HeadProject | OMBudget | BudgetFrame |
HeadProjectYear | OMBudgetYear | BudgetFrameYear |
ProjectTaskPlanning | TaskPlanning | BudgetFrameTaskPlanning |
ProjectTaskManagement | TaskManagement | BudgetFrameTaskManagement |
ProjectTaskYear | TaskYear | BudgetFrameTaskYear |
ProjectWorkOrder | Request | BudgetFrameWorkOrder |
ProjectWorkOrderHours | RequestHours | BudgetFrameWorkOrderHours |
ProjectWorkOrderMaterial | RequestMaterial | BudgetFrameWorkOrderMaterial |
ProjectWorkOrderTools | RequestTools | BudgetFrameWorkOrderTools |
ProjectWorkOrderCost | RequestOtherCost | BudgetFrameWorkOrderCost |
ProjectWorkOrderRevenue | RequestRevenue | BudgetFrameWorkOrderRevenue |
ProjectWorkOrderRegisteredCost | RequestRegisteredCost | BudgetFrameWorkOrderRegisteredCost |
ProjectTransaction | OMTransaction | Transactions |
ProjectElectronicInvoice | OMElectronicInvoice | ExternalInvoice |
Following is copied
- Form, filter, list layout
- Snapshots and templates
- Notification rules
- Main module access for all user roles
- Main module item access for all user roles
- Access to menu items for all user roles
When <Projects and budgets divided> setting is activated then a database update should be run on Projects. It does the following
- Sets Project category <Project> on all Project types and project groups
- Sets Project category <O&M budget> on all schedule types and task categories.
- Creates 2 new Project types <Project> and <O&M budgets> if they do not exist
- Assigns Project type <Project> to all existing Projects that do not have Project type already registered
- If no Project of type <O&M budget> exists that is created
- All tasks that do not have a Project/Budget assigned gets this <O&M budget> project assigned.
Afterwards the account manager/customer must go through the registration of the existing projects and correct Project type registrations on those. Also they must go through which schedule types and task categories belong to Project management and which to Operation and maintenance.
Internal work orders on external tasks (i41609)
Now it is possible to create an internal work order on an external task when creating work order from task management. Notice that for internal tasks you can only create internal work orders.
This change also affects the logic when you create a work order directly from the work order module. If you select internal, then both internal and external tasks can be selected, but only external tasks will appear if external is selected
Change how <Start task instance> is shown and handled in list and form (US3037)
From now on it will be possible (for those who have access) to start a task instance directly from the task instance list by pressing it. This applies for the task instances that are planned or behind schedule.
Then the action is opened and you can start the instance.
We have also improved the information shown within the task instance window i.e. the status of it. From there it is also possible to start the instance from the action menu on the right.
Be able to get a ten year report in Excel (US3099)
We have added a new Excel report into Task planning where it is possible to export an overview of planned costs per year on tasks for x number of years. The report can be exported for one site at a time.
Multi select of buildings (US2969)
In this release we will introduce a very simple addition to be able to filter data on multiple buildings and building spaces across sites. This will for now only be possible for tasks, work orders and incidents but will be developed further in upcoming releases.
Account head type dimension (i41708)
We have now added <Account head type> as possible column/filter to Work orders, Tasks, Incidents, External invoices, Time registrations and costs, Transactions
Task required on work orders when system is split into Project and O&M (i41609)
Change so that if the setting is turned on that splits data into Project vs. O&M (as described here above in US2958) then it is also required to have tasks on internal work orders. When this is set, the query on the work order data is also changed to improve performance.
Other emails sent out multiple times (i41723)
Fix that the email that was registered in <Other emails> when sending out emails was stacking up and sent multiple emails when sending next time.
Wrong status shown (i41608)
Fix error showing wrong status in Request status column for external invoices
Edit planned cost for head project year through list (US2956)
Now it possible to edit planned cost in head project year list. Also head project year for the running and next year is automatically created when head project is created
KPI calculation errors (i40492 / i40493)
New system setting <Use response demand KPI>. That turns on that KPI calculations are done on incidents based on defined <Response demand>. It has the effect in Incident registration that a time stamp is part of the registration of the <Date reported> and <Date deadline> fields. Has to be set for customers using KPI calculations. If not set it causes errors in date due calculations because otherwise response demand is calculated from 00:00 of the date.
Wrong location when registering incident from GIS map (i40488)
In some specific cases the nearest location was not selected when registering an incident from GIS map. This has been fixed.