Operation and Maintenance + Helpdesk 20.8
  • 02 Mar 2022
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Operation and Maintenance + Helpdesk 20.8

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Article summary

New features

Inspections (US2904)

In recent months, we've been working on improvements on the setup and implementation of inspections in MainManager. All of this has been developed in new modules, which means that those customers who use inspections in the MainManager today can do it in the same manner as before, but they will also have the possibility to make a conversion of the old ones into this new setup.

In this new inspection process, there are many new possibilities and advantages that our customers have asked for such as:

  • Greater diversity in types of check items
  • You can set frequencies and more precise timings for check items to be inspected
  • Possible to add or remove check items and customize the checklist as appropriate

Internal translations (i43136)

Now it is possible to have internal translations for incident groups, incident categories and incident standard remarks (Checkword, CheckwordItem, CheckwordItemStandardRemarks). That can be helpful for customers having helpdesk users using different languages when creating incidents. Then the incident categories appear in their selected system language. To turn this on this new system setting has been added <Use internal translations>

When that setting is set, the Internal translations  appears in the menu structure

This list is automatically populated with data from the registered categories listed above. Administrator can then translate these terms to different languages

Use different terms on check word and check word item (US3043)

Now it is possible to have different terms on check word and check word item according to where I am in the system. For this to be activated there is a new global setting for Helpdesk process that is called "Incident with different classification captions". 

After the setting is activated and an update is run on the incident module you want this to be changed on, the captions will be changed in the following way:

Checkword Caption + "group"
CheckwordItem Caption + "category"
CheckwordSubItem Caption + "subcategory"

Example: If a customer is using the incident type "Release item" somewhere in the system, the captions of the fields will be changed like shown in picture below 


Smaller additions and bug fixes

A warning when email attachments exceed size of 20MB (i42966)

We have now added a warning message into the email action that appears if the attached files exceed size of 20MB. The action can still be run and logged down to email history since MainManager is not capable of knowing how large size of emails each recipient can receive.

New bookmarks in incident frontpage (i41807)

We have added three new bookmarks to be able to fetch data on the responsible employee on incidents. 

  • BM_ResponsibleOrganisation
  • BM_Responsible
  • BM_ResponsibleEmail

Filtering on task status (i43111)

We have added a new option in filtering for tasks, so it is possible to mark more than one status of task to filter on. Notice that "In progress" status combines all status of the task from 1-90%. 

Create location drawing for work orders (i43143)

The system setting <Create location drawing automatically for work order> has been fixed. When it is turned on the system creates a colorized PDF showing the location of the work order in a PDF that is attached to the work order when there exist an interactive drawing for that location.

Inspection report from template (i43134)

Fix that an inspection report could be generated that contains a number of large pictures. 

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