Property Management 20.7
  • 30 Nov 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Property Management 20.7

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Article summary

New features

Be able to see my leasers and inhabitants in a building (US3007)

Now there is a new menu option in Lease administration, Lease holder contacts. There the user can see all inhabitants on a location and also history of old inhabitants. 

The lease holder organisation list has also been improved to show the most relevant columns

 New fields in lease contract (i40277, i41523)

Some filter fields in the lease contract module have been added since they were existing in v11. Those filter fields are <Personal ID search>, <Is sold> and <Region>. 

Fields added to Lease contract form: <Remarks>, <Termination clause>, <Special clause> and <Work notes>.

<Basic info> field was added in site form.

A new action to add Leaseholder through Lease contract form was made. 

Small changes and bug fixes

Add VATHandlingID to TaxGroup registration (US3071)

Add these columns to Lease contracts and also change logic for a specific customer so that a booking string is correctly populated

Next regulation date (i41598)

Logic changed so that <Date next regulation> is only calculated if it is empty. 

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