Release 20.7 General
  • 03 Dec 2021
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Release 20.7 General

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Article summary


On 3rd of december 2021 we will release version 20.7 of MainManager FM. 

Here we will list up the new features that this release will contain and describe the error fixes that have been done.  By looking at the articles selectable in the left tree you will find information on what is new and fixed in each of the processes and one article describing general fixes. 

Each process article contains two chapters. First one is to list up all the new features that are available (most of them by configuration) after the release update and the second chapter is to list up all the error fixes. 

Notice that these release notes is a work in process and at this time only to give an idea of what is upcoming. Final version of these notes will be ready on release date. 

If further information is needed please contact your MainManager contact, send an inquiry to or call us at +354 412 8600.

Special things to notice regarding update!

Search text 

We have changed some logic in filter search field for i.e. tasks, work orders and incidents so that it will not search in site name. This is done to improve performance in those lists enormously. So we also recommend that if a site name is now a part of the search within your modules you (Administrator) should remove that from the search field and whenever you have to find data on a specific site you use the site filtering instead. 

Also we would like to mention that the search in the filter is searching for exact numbers of i.e. work orders, incidents and tasks.

Access on value translators 

As a part of improvements on our security standards, we have gone through every icon that has a functionality behind it (link to an action, sub data, window etc. - called a value translator) to secure that the user has access to this functionality. If you experience some difficulties after the update when clicking a value translator, please let us know and we might have to help on managing access. 


After logging in first time in 20.7 version, users must pay attention that after this first login, the password is saved again and differently in the database so that it will be case sensitive. So next time you log in, you must write it exactly like you did first time. 

For customers using KPI process

If you are using KPI calculations i.e. response demand that will calculate time periods in an exact way, you must turn on a new global setting to those calculations correct. More details in Administration chapter. Please contact your project manager if you need help on this matter. 

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